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Flamingo Creations is proud to bring you a gallery of beautiful Christmas applets which you can send to your friends or relatives. All of the applets are included with midi music so be sure to have your sound on. Just click onto the link below and browse through some beautiful applets. If you would like to send one, just complete the form below that page and it will be forwarded to the receipient immediately.

Please note: Effective immediately the host for sending these applets has been terminated therefore you will not be able to send any of the pages that are on this website. I apologize for any convenience and hope to have a new host for next year so please be sure to check back next Christmas.

Last Update - December 24, 2002

This site best viewed in Internet Explorer

Dave Griffiths Applets Internet Explorer

Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro

This ChristmasWebring site owned by Diamondeb.
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Flamingo Creations - June 2001