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My Web-Sight (Clever, isn't it?)

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This is My Web-Sight. Now, the smart ones on the net might have noticed that I obviously have flagrant spelling difficulties. Actually, I spelled it that way for a reason. I feel as though I have a unique perspective in life. I believe it comes from the fact that I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It seems to me to be so much more than just a church or social place. It's more like an entire philosophy on life, a philosophy that has kept me happy most of the time. It's more than just what I believe in, it's how i live my life. Both of my brothers are on missions for the church, one in France and one in Romania, and it's just shocking to realize that in two short years I'll be on one too. Some might say that I'm slowly becoming "Super-Mormon", but that's not too far from the truth. My Sight has to do with a world perspective, something that would be beneficial for all to see and perhaps use. My Sight is my testimony of the Church. I have a burning testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have felt the Holy Ghost confirm to me that the Book of Mormon is true. As I read about the life of the prophet Joseph Smith, I can truly say he was a prophet of God and that through the Restoration, he was able to restore (hence, the Restoration) the church as it existed in the days of Jesus Christ and the 12. I can say for a fact that the authority of the priesthood as held by the the ancient prophets and patriarchs exists today and that the current prophet Gordon B. Hinckley holds these keys. Last of all, I leave my testimony of Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God and that through his Atonement, we can all be forgiven of our sins and only through that process can we return to live with our Heavenly Father. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Also, if You have the Amazing urge to email me or if you have any questions whatsoever about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, by all means, email me, or you can send me an instant message on AOL Instant Messenger. My screenname is EvilfrogX.

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