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What does a lighbulb do?

Okay, okay. . . This idea was given to me by my father, and though I may or may not always agree with him, I thought that it was a very unique idea, and if you like this idea of his, or may want to hear more of them, e-mail me.

Have you ever wondered how a lightbulb works, I mean really? Well thoes scientists tell us that the electric flow of electrons move very rapidly across a piece of tungsten and create a tremendous amount of friction causing the filiment to glow. Now this is an interesting idea, but why, then, when the lightbulb grows old and stops working does it turn black? Well this is rather simple, the lightbulb has not been emmiting light all this time, but rather sucking in all the darkness within a room. The lightbulb no longer works because it has filled its capacity with the darkness and cannot absorb any more of it.
