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In this section i wish to discuss various alien encounters that i have heard from people, if you wish to have your encounter added, please E-mail it to me at

One evening, when i was about 10 years old i was lying in mi bed located on the second story of the east side of our two-story house in southern California. The blinds were shut so i did not see anything outside of the house, directly. But none-the-less i did know something was wrong. It was about ten at night and the sky was pitch black due the the absence of the moon. Then something happened that i never would forget. . . . I heard a roaring noise seep in from the distance, quite quiet at first, but growing louder as it grew nearer. The window began to light up through the blinds as the noise grew so loud that i thought a Boeing 747 was hovering outside of my window. The light poured in through the blinds and drenched the dark room in ist raidence. Being only ten at the time, i was frightened beyond belief. . . so i hid under the covers until the noise and ligh passed. The blanket was not much help, for the noise was still just as loud and the light just as blinding. Both had penetrated the blanket. The object remainde hovering outside of my window for about a half of an hour and then began to move away slowly. I could hear it in the distance for another hour or so. It grew louder at some points and softer during others. IT flied around the skies and did not stop. But it did and it left. About a year later it returned and did the same thing, hovered outside of my window bilnding my room with light and deftining it with noise. But when it left this time, it left much faster. A year later it returned once again, did the same and left, never to return up to this point in mi life.

When i was eighteen or so i was out hunting. I wasnt too far from an air force base, i will not say the name of the bace nor which state it was located in. But i will tell you what i saw. I was shooting cans of a rock in a clearing and thats when i heard a noise from the base. I looked up throught the clearing and saw the most odd looking aircraft that i ever had seen. It looked like three spheres that were in a triangler formation.One on the top and two underneath forming the bace. It did not look like they were touching but they moved as one unit. I watched them for what seemed like hours and i eventualy became bored. These things, or this thing, moved about the sky in all sorts of directions and i was tired of watching it. At one point it watched me back and we stared at each other for awhile, so i pointed my gun at it and boy did it go crazy! It flew off like a bat outa hell at super speeds and when i put my gun down it came back and watched me again, until i pointed my gun at it again, ant then the process began again. This happened several times and as i said earlier, i became bored and then i left.

November 13, 2003 Tonight while driving home from dinner with a friend, we spotted what we could only describe as UFO’s, two to be exact. Over Edwards AFB, I spotted a bright light moving fairly quick for the distance it was at. It arced downward in a parabolic mannor. As it moved down, it slowed much like a function you would find in high school algerbra. There was a point when it neared stopping speed where this bright light looked like the moon being covered by a lunar eclipse, at which point it disappeared. Then, two airplanes appeared where the bright light was.

The first airplane stayed stationary while the second moved about it in a huge clockwise motion. When it reached the six o'clock point, the stationary moved toward the city and circled around the left side of the valley. The other plane circled about the right side of the valley at which point we returned to my house.

When walking to the house from the street, we again saw the bright light flying toward us, and maybe a quarter mile away off to my right. It was flying really fast for am airplane and made no noise was heard. It went behind a tree. I went around the tree and saw it really close. This is when I saw the bright light gradually, yet swiftly fade and disappear completely. The light faded into a plane again. Whatever they are doing, they are covering up their manouvers with things that look like planes, or that CAN look like planes when wanted to, so to confuse the public.
