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Time trevel is an interesting idea, but it is impossible, so get over it.

Time is a continous thing that is infinant and as an infinant thing it had no beginning and will not ever have an ending. The fact that it will never end is important to my point.

Time never ends. In the future, as far forward as one can think, no one will ever invent time travel for the simple reason of this. If time travel has[meaning will] been invented in the future, people would[will] have traveled to the past[present]. If people have[will] traveled to the past[present] from the future, then we in the past[present] would have known about it due to the past[present] changing around us. Because we do not know about the people who have travled to our time from a future time, we can assume that they never had came here.

This seems very arogant and i understand that but think of it this way, if time travel is invented, people will have access to it later in their future and there is no doubt that in any time there will be people who will not exploit something like this. There is no doubt that in the thousands of people in the thousands of years to come, none of them would come back and start trouble.

Time travel to the future is also impossible. The future does not yet exist. There is no future to travel to. Just as one cannot travel to the magical non-existant land of Oz, one cannot travel to the future. One cannot go to a place that does not exist. It is physically impossible.

Problem: If someone were so travel to the past, they could not get home to the future because there is no future to go to. Their present becomes the future and the future, as previously discussed, does not exist.
