The City Of Treve

"Indeed, there was little known even of the city of Treve. It lay somewhere among the lofty, vast terrains of the rugged Voltai, perhaps as much a fortress, a lair, of outlaw tarnsmen as a city. It was said to be accessible only by tarnback. No woman, it was said, could be brought to the city, save as a hooded, stripped slave girl, bound across the saddle of a tarn. Indeed, even merchants and ambassadors were permitted to approach the city only under conduct, and then only when hooded and in bonds, as though none not of Treve might approach her save as slaves or captive supplicants. The location of the city, it was said, was known only to her own. Even girls brought to Treve as slaves, obedient within her harsh walls, looking up, seeing her rushing, swift skies, did not know wherein lay the city in which they served. And even should they be dispatched to the walls, perhaps upon some servile errand, they could see, for looming, remote pasangs about them, only the wild, bleak crags of the scarlet Voltai, and the sickening drop below them, the sheer fall from the walls and the cliffs below to the valley, some pasangs beneath. They would know only that they were slaves in this place but would not know where this place in which they were slaves might be. It was said no woman had ever escaped from Treve"
Captive of Gor - pg. 191

The City of Treve is a Raiders Citadel high in the lofty peeks of the Voltai Mountains, to approach Us by Tarn is foolhardy if You do not come in peace, Our "Tarnsmen, riders of the great tarns, called Brothers of the Wind, are masters of the open sky, fierce warriors whose battleground is the clouds and sky"..
{Captive of Gor, p.62}

We ride are the wild tarns of Voltai and are far stronger and more ferocious than the soft tarns bred in captivity. Dare You try and best these in aerial combat ?,T'would be foolhardy indeed, You could try walking up the tortuous narrow cliff face path, (buffeted by extreme winds and cold, hugging the cliff face least You be blow of to fall very far to the distant lands below) would take You many days of hard walking, if, You survived at all, but, even then Our Tarnsmen are watching Your struggle, ready to meet You at the top as fresh as You are bone weary and tired, So If You wish to challenge Us *Wolfish Grin* Go ahead, We are waiting and more than ready.

If You are a FM and come in peace, then, be welcome share Our fires, learn of Our ways, BUT every Stranger who approaches Us …IS challenged, if You seek a home and are deemed worthy mayhaps We will offer You one.We have need of Warriors or other Castes Remember the word for stranger and enemy is the same in gorean

"Bested be a Free Woman, accompanied by a Tarnsmen, or a Honored Guest of a Council Member…or She risks her life in Bondage…"So says Ubar Mason Storm!

unless of course You wish to stay *Grins* I am sure We could find a good use for You.

If you are a slave..... be aware this IS a FORCED KOL ARing Zone.

If Y/you are new to Gor and wish to learn O/our ways,
*** then use the ~o~ to denote this fact***
this entitles Y/you to ask questions in a polite manner, and , they will be answered as best W/we can,
BUT, be aware this will NOT protect Y/you if Y/you try to change O/our ways or interrupt O/our life style in any way,
Steel will be at Y/your throat, either razor sharp and deadly or with a lock, either way is final.

Note: The mark of the observer (~o~) will not save Y/ou from Ko'lar, if Y/ou know Gorean ways.
Observers will not roleplay at all…or will be subject to KO'lar.

Kill/Capture/Force Ko'lar Zone

This is a theme room based on the books of John Norman about a counter urth called Gor, here Free Men are Masters, Free Women or slaves girls or boys are submissive to FM & FW, FW are Free untill FM decide otherwise. This is NOT BDSM this is Gor.

Gor is Gor, it is NOT Fair Nor Just, it is Gor, Nuff said *Nods*


Press on…*shrugs… or Flee?

*Must Be 18 years old to enter.

Nods, as You turn to leave... Fair Winds, and Safe Travels!, Mayhaps Y/you are wise, Ours is a harsh way of life or death, and is not for the faint hearted. There are many in the Cites of Dust can testify to this.