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To The
Subtle's Code Of Conduct

Subtle's Statement and Bylaws

Subtle's were born out of the
desire for a group of friends to show thier
support and love for the game of cribbage, and
the people who play it. You can expect all of
to show what Sportsmanship and Gamemanship on
the internet should be. Our love of the game
is pure, and all we ask is that we all have
fun, share a laugh, and play the game of
Cribbage (of coure we play to win.) Our Team
consists of some of the best Cribbage players
on the internet, and some who may never win
anything, but your friendship.

Our membership is open to all players,18 yrs
of age and older! You
don't have to play a special way or game,
bow to the leaders or be a pro. All Men and Woman
of any race or nationality can join us. We
don't have any Generals, Presedents or Kings,
you will be led by friendship, common sense
and the Subtle's commandments.

1. Win or lose, we finish ALL games.

2. NO TEAMING unless it's a posted team game.

3. Defend ALL members from the ridicule of others.

4. Show the utmost Respect for others.

5. Play only under YOUR team name.

6. Help teach others how to play.

7. Never Cheat, or be dishonest.

8. Foster an environment with ALL players including other
clans, of friendship and co-operation.

9. NO swearing, cussing or vulgar language of any type.

10. Play each game to the best of your ability.

11. If there is teaming (in a non-team game), do EVERYTHING
possible to eliminate the offendind players or
take away thier advantage.

12. NEVER accuse a player of quitting without having solid proof.

13. ALWAYS remember that a game is suppose to be
FUN! HELP make it that way for EVERYONE!!!

All above stated commandments are
of equal importance, and MUST be followed
at all times!

We thank you for taking the time to
view our humble website. It is our hope to
bring you the best in gaming and friendship
on the internet!