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Master Yoda's Tools

Yoda's Tools


Yoda's Gimer Stick

In his old age while living on the swamp planet of Dagobah, Jedi Master Yoda supports himself with a small cane, a Gimer stick.

The cane serves other purposes as well; when chewed, the Gimer stick provides aid in meditation. (Well that is, if you believe what Yoda tells you...) It also proves useful in fending off R2 units during an argument.

"When nine-hundred years old, you reach, look as good, you will not..."

Yoda's Lightsaber

Yoda's lightsaber is noticeably smaller than most other Jedi weapons, and it has been many years since Yoda has needed to use it in combat.

The small Jedi Master is satisfied to solve conflicts without violence.

"Wars not make one great..."

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