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The Chronos Conspiracy

STAR WARS : The Chronos Conspiracy
The following is a conglomeration of exerts from the upcoming novel STAR WARS : The Chronos Conspiracy:

[11ASW4 - Alderaan system]

The arrowhead-shape of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer slipped out of hyperspace right on the brim of an asteroid field. The outline of the mile-long starcruiser rushed forward against the backdrop of stars and blackness of deep space. Swarming around the cruiser like insects, squadrons of bombers targeted the torrent of asteroids that hurtled at the destroyer.
On-deck turbolaser emplacements and missile launchers fired at the speeding obstacles. The Star Destroyer moved in a straight line toward its destination, the center of the storm.
All of these chunks of space rock had once been the planet of Alderaan. Ten years ago, the world was destroyed by the Empire's first Death Star. Now this asteroid field, known as the Graveyard by many, was all that was left of the peaceful planet...
Asteroids disintegrated into dust under the laser fire, as the Alderaanian Star Destroyer neared its destination. The bombers returned to the docking bays, and the cruiser stopped as it entered its haven. The clearing which they had entered was free of asteroids. They were safe there.
The bridge crew of the Star Destroyer Phantasm transferred all power to its front deflector shields. The ship was ready for impact. It seemed almost as if all of space was still for a moment, then a blindingly bright flash of energy exploded in all directions. It seemed to have no source, or boundaries. The Phantasm's shields held, glimmering with a hazy waxen glow from the force of the blast.
The sun-like brightness of the phenomenon faded into an eerie glow of blurred light. Then, there was a movement. A swirling-like motion took place inside the core of the contained energy source.Almost whirlpool -like in form, the shape split, forming what looked like a faded tear down the middle of itself. All light disappeared from the area. It seemed like the dark rift was drawing in energy. A rip in the time-space continuum manifested itself in the middle of that asteroid field.
The spinning jaws of the abyss opened wide, filling the star-studded sky. An unknown power seemed to emanate from its growing center.
Small in comparison to the formless portal, the Phantasm plunged into the shadowed divide, disappearing into the blackness. . .

More to come...

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