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Glass Tokyo's Code of Laws

Welcome once more to the beautiful city of Glass Tokyo. This, as all cities, has its own line of upstanding laws which we expect all Members to follow. Please read on.

1.) There will be no bashing your fellow Members unless all recognize it as joking around in good fun.

2.) The level of violence, profanity, and sexual activity should be kept to what would be seen in an PG-13 movie.

3.) It would be appreciated if all Members would participate in the game at least once a week. If you find this impossible for your own reasons either contact me at or my co-gm at

4.) There will be absolutely no damage calling. That is, for example, "Kurgen draws his sword and rushes Sailor Moon, running her through and killing her instantly." You see, that attack gives Moon no time to react. I will not put up with this sort of gaming.

Those are our only rules and we would be most grateful if the Members would comply. If you find you have any problems or questions on these feel free to contact any of the Game Meisters. Thank you so much.
