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Tamara's Site

Some of My Friends

I AM FINALLY UPDATING MY SITE!!!!!Band will be starting soon, so all you band members-BE PREPARED!!! Local Talent, a music group consisting of me, Stormie, Nicholas, and Heather D. will be performing at Fletcher United Methodist Church in Carthage on Sunday, July 9th. Feel free to stop by and listen. It's gonna be great! If you want to be added to my friends list of links list, leave me a note about it in my guestbook. Thanks for coming to my site. Please sign my guestbook. This Page was last updated 6/15/00

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Meet my Pikachu "Chu-chu" [an error occurred while processing this directive]


Jon Bob's Site
Stormie's Site
Nicholas's Site
Cathy's Site
Heather Davis's Site
Malea's Site
Cool new stuff about Knightstown; local links
Your Online Source of Local Talent Info