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Best & Worst of 2000-Music

Worst Album of:

"Chocolate Starfish & The Hot DOg Flavored Water" by Limp Bizkit

Obviously the album was rushed to cash in on thier success.But this album,unlike thier first two decent CD's,gets very annoying even after the second track.Fred Durst whiny voice is extremely annoying after a while and he needs to take a course on how to write because right now it seems all Fred can do id write a song about how great Limp Bizkit is and then throw in about 30 obscenities to "keep it real".

Worst Song Of The Year: "Thong Song Uncensored" by Sisqo & Foxy Brown

Was there a need to do an already overplayed,bad song? Obviously Sisqo thought so.It makes an already pointless song even more pointless.Foxy Brown brought nothing to the song besides a handful of crap and a bad aftertaste of how untalented she is.

Worst Ballad:

"My Everything" by 98 Degrees

Last year 98 Degrees scored a huge hit with the sweet ballad "I Do (Cherish You)".Well lightning hardly ever strikes twice and it surely hasn't this time.This gooey,sappy play-by-the-numbers ballad makes Westlife seem halfway interesting.

Worst Rap Song:

"Bad Boy" by Shyne

2000 was a great year for rap with great acts like eminem,DmX and Outkast...and then there's the crap like Shyne.With some reggae guy int he background sounding like he;s getting a vasectomy while recording while Shyne rips off everything Notorious B.I.G.has ever done.More of a waste than all of the Cash Money Ballers.

Worst Rock Song:

"Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope" By Bloodhound Gang

Bloodhound Gang broke though with the 80's drenched anal sex tribute "Bad Touch".They also are hilarious on tsome of thier other tracks too.But this song sounds like a basic rip off of "Bad Touch" and with less humor and more blandness of a Saved By The Bell: The New Class" episode.

Best Secret Song:

Tie:"G.O.A.T. Promo" DJ Clue and LL Cool J and "Ben Stiller" Limp Bizkit with Ben Stiller

Both are absolutly shameless and probably took about 10 seconds of effort two throw these moronic things together.LL Cool J brags about how his new CD will be the best ever (Sorry LL but Outkast has got you beat).While Ben Stiller rambles on aimlessly about Limp Bikit (Which at least makes a few chuckles) but wanders aimlessly into a cut-and-paste 2 minute part of Ben Stiller laughing.Both more mind numbing the longer you listen to them.