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All people experience stress. A change to your body contributes to stress (such as a cold or allergies), and all changes in your environment (regardless of whether they are "good" or "bad") are stressful. Changes in your environment that can increase your stress levels range from your parents getting a divorce to staying out at a party till 2 AM. Even perceived changes in your environment can cause you to feel stress.

Despite the stress in our lives, most people are unaffected by normal levels of stress. Because people are so different, something that has no effect on a majority of people may seriously effect a smaller number of people. The condition of having more stress than you can handle is overstress.

The WARNING signs of overstress are:
*poor concentration
*inability to sit still
*excessive day dreaming
*wanting to be alone
*constantly violating the rights of others
*a decline in grades
*unexplained changes in sleeping or eating patterns

Stress Test

1. In the past month have you ever felt there are more demands in your life, emotionally and physically, than you can handle comfortably?
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

2. In the past month, have you ever felt frustrated trying to live up to your own expectations or standards?
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

3. In the past month, have you ever felt that your needs as a person are being left unmet?"
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

4. In the past month, have you ever felt overwhelmed or out of control because of the difficulties facing you?
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

5. In the past month, have you ever felt that there are so many every day hassles and crises that you lose track of the things that are really important to you?
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

6. In the past month have you ever felt uncertain or apprehensive about the future?"
If "Yes," on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does this bother or preoccupy you?
If "No," score 0

Add all of the scores together
Total Score______

You can find the interpratation of your scores on the quiz answers link on the home page.

Now some tips on how to decrease your stress level

try to remain in the present

worry is non-productive in most cases, and the worry itself causes more stress in most cases

clarify your values (try writing down what you really care about)now don't waste your time doing things that aren't important to you

set limits for yourself

include other trusted friends in your life and share your anxieties with them

just take about ten-fifteen minuetes and write whatever pops into your head

I found this journal writing method to be effective because you eventually write about whats bothering you most of the time so you don't worry as much about it.

journal writing gives you another tool, after writing in it for a month, (don't go back and edit what you've written), read through it so that you can figure out whats actually stressing you

compete with yourself, not others

when you get your test scores in class keep a written list of your scores and what the tests were worth. This will let you know if you improved and keep you from worrying what your grade is because you can figure it out for yourself

keep a calendar to write down appointments, after school obligations, what home work you have and when it's due

Many stressed and non stressed people have trouble sleeping. Both stress and depression can further impare your ability to get a good nights sleep. Drugs that interfer with how hyper or calm you are can also give you problems. Unless the doctor has perscribed this drug, try to quit. Even too much junk food and sugar alone can cause you sleep problems. Here are some tips to get you sleeping easier.


*set regular sleep times and stick to the schedule

*wake up at the same time every day

*in about three weeks if you're still feeling tired, vary your sleep time, although the norm is about eight hours, my mom needs ten and my dad and I need five to six, it really is different for everybody

*don't do "wake up" and "sleep" activities on your bed or if possible in the same room

*do some relaxing activity before you go to sleep, every night, examples include book reading, journal writing, or meditation

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