Providing for the Department of Health and Social Services to regulate radiation sources.

Sec. 18.60.475. Powers and duties of department.

(a) The department shall

(1) adopt regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545;

(2) develop comprehensive policies and programs for the evaluation and determination of hazards associated with the use of radiation sources and their amelioration;

(3) encourage, participate in, and conduct studies, investigations, training, research, and demonstrations relating to the control of radiation hazards, the measurement of radiation, the effects on health of exposure to radiation and related problems it considers necessary or advisable for the discharge of its duties;

(4) collect and disseminate health education information relating to radiation protection;

(5) review plans and shielding specifications for radiation sources;

(6) inspect radiation sources, their shielding and immediate surroundings, and records concerning their operation for the determination of possible radiation hazard;

(7) contract with other state agencies to assist them in performing functions that require expertise in determining and reducing the hazards of radiation.

(b) The department may keep confidential data obtained as a result of registration or investigation.

Sec. 18.60.480. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.485. Radiation sources.

Radiation sources shall be shielded, transported, handled, used, and kept to prevent users and other persons from being exposed to concentrations of radionuclides or levels of radiation exceeding those limits established by the department in regulations.

Sec. 18.60.490. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.495. Notification of violation and order of abatement.

When the department finds, after inspection and examination of a source of radiation as constructed, operated, or maintained, that there has been a violation of a provision of AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545, it shall notify the person causing or permitting the violation of the nature of the violation and order the person to stop it.

Sec. 18.60.500. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.505. Authority of department in cases of emergency.

When the department finds that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health or welfare from radiation, it may issue an order reciting the existence of an emergency and requiring that action be taken to meet the emergency. The order is effective immediately. A person to whom an order is directed shall comply with it immediately, but on application to the department shall be given a hearing under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act). After a hearing, the department may affirm, revoke, or modify the order.

Sec. 18.60.510. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.515. Assisting other agencies.

The department shall, on the request of another state agency, contract with that agency to assist it in performing functions that require expertise in determining or reducing the hazards of radiation. This assistance may include conducting inspections and investigations and providing technical assistance.

Sec. 18.60.520. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.525. Exceptions.

(a) AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.485 do not limit the intentional exposure of patients to radiation for the purpose of diagnosis or therapy, or medical research, when conducted as authorized by law and in accordance with accepted radiation safety principles.

(b) AS 18.60.475 (a)(5) and (6) do not apply to the private use of radiation sources in the home.

(c) AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545 do not apply to the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs in carrying out the provisions of AS 26 that pertain to planning for and responding to radiation that results from the detonation of nuclear weapons.

(d) AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545 do not apply to Federal Communications Commission licensed facilities emitting radiation of a wavelength longer than one centimeter, and an average power output not exceeding two kilowatts.

(e) AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545 do not authorize the department to register, inspect, test, or otherwise regulate dental radiological equipment or records relating to dental radiological equipment regulated by the Board of Dental Examiners under AS 08.36.075 .

Sec. 18.60.530. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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Sec. 18.60.535. Penalty.

A person who violates a regulation, standard, or order of the department adopted or issued under AS 18.60.475 - 18.60.545 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both. Each day upon which a violation occurs constitutes a separate offense.

Sec. 18.60.540. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 120 SLA 1971].

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