1000 R = more than double the average lethal dose to X or gamma rays for a human.
One calorie = 4.18 x 107 ergs, and one R in tissue = 93 ergs/gram.

1000 R = 93,000 ergs/gram.

Heat produced = 1000 R x 93 ergs per gram/4.18 x 107 ergs (calorie)= 0.0022 cal/gram
One calorie raises the temperature of one gram of water 1o Celsius.

Tissue is roughly equivalent to water, so 1000 R will produce a temperature rise of about 0.0022 oC for one gram of tissue.

A 70 kg person receiving 1000 R whole body radiation exposure would absorb 7 x 10 4 x 2.22 x 10-3 = 154 calories.

He or she would take in the same amount of energy by drinking 5 ounces of water heated one (1) degree oCelsius above body temperature! This is about the size of a small juice glass.

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