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Papilionidae: The Great Mormom
Species: Papilio memnon
Species: T.brookiana
Common in jungle and fruit cultivation areas
Female. High flyer unless visiting flowers
Can be bred on citrus
Protected species. CITES permit required
Many varieties and forms in females
Rather rare and difficult to capture
Attracted to urine. Females on flowers
Tapah Hills, Perak, Malaysia
Tapah Hills, Perak, Malaysia


Papilionidae: The Birdwings
Species: Troides helena
Protected species
Common in all elevations even in certain places in towns where foodplant occur
Tapah Hills, Perak, Malaysia


Species: T.brookiana 
One of the protected butterflies in Malaysia
Very common.Congregating at moist sulpheric spot in Kuala Woh
Tapah Hills, Malaysia