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Caitlin's PAGE !!!!

  • Thats a picture of me getting ready for homecoming. I know what you're thinking... what a sexy tart she is.

    A little bit about me...

    I gave the six mile long survey its own page So click here if you want to know EVERYTHING about The Caitlinmeister Anyways... My name is Caitlin and I am a proud FORMER SCARBOROUGH REDSKIN !!! Uhhh... I'm 16 and I'm a juniot at SHS ( Which is not a fun place... My former English teacher is the punmaster and likes little girls and has three testicles ). I've been accused to being somewhat dorky. Believe it or not. I'm 5ft 9, 145lbs, blond hair ( Its not red Paul, hook me up with whatever you're smoking cause I wanna see what you see ), hazel eyes, I have deformed toes ( that bleed because I shave them, and I'm not in denial about that either, so for all of you out there that like to make funny of my boney, hairy, bloody toes... GO AHEAD...I know where you live and I have chaulk and a message from GOD. ), and I have abnormally long arms. As a matter of fact my wingspan is as long as the Gap sign, and as tall as Jill. I don't have a liscence yet because I'm stoopid and dumb and didn't take drivers ed until March. I play the guitar and I like music. I also " play " sports. I'm a goalie on varsity feild hockey, a bench warmer on j.v basketball, and I'm a track team dropout. Among other things I enjoy hanging with my G's, cruising on the scooters and in the mini van, stalking my neighbors ( NEALSON !!! haha... Blair... " The Kid " ) forming our white rap ensemble called " Man Boobs ", making a horror/porno movie called " Would You Like Nuts With That ? : The Evil Ice Cream Man ". Camping in my front yard. Trying to see penises at Bills Pizza ( And if I had a few more cents, I too, would have seen a penis on that fateful summer night )... and just doing other random things... But more than I like to do anything in this world... I like to work at Dunkin Donuts. Someday I hope to bring Dunkin Donuts to the West Coast and Canada : Home of the evil nemesis coffee franchise Tim Hortons.

    Stuff I like and like to do ....

  • Sleep
  • windsurfing
  • music
  • video games ( I can kick anyones ass in old school nintendo )
  • cartoons
  • cereal ( which is my main food source )
  • orange tic tacs
  • sparkly lip gloss
  • rubber ckickens
  • hula dancers ( The ones on a dashboard )
  • palm trees
  • Aruba
  • The orange summer fruits skittles... the ones with pineapple bitch.
  • Jesse Camp
  • Watching corny horror such as... Jack Frost, Uncle Sam Says I Want You Dead, The Bride of the ReAnimator 2, Cutting Class, The Ice Cream Man, Slaughter High, and most of all Sleepaway Camp.
  • Power Puff Girls ( before they sold out. Haha )
  • sunshine
  • rainbows
  • vanilla cupcakes
  • bubble wrap
  • My pillowcase
  • Trying to get Gordo to sneak me into the movies
  • Magical mushrooms
  • colorful sprinkles
  • Grateful Dead Bears
  • Randomly flashing people
  • Bubblegum
  • Walking around the mall with Erika acting like we're stoned. ( Because we're cool like that )
  • Dressing up like freaks with Mariah and getting strange reactions out of people.
  • Bald freakish robots
  • Gumby
  • Midgets
  • Homey action figures
  • lava lamps
  • puka shells
  • chocolate milk avec whipped cream
  • Old school rap
  • Stalking people around my neighborhood while doing the " Montey Python Ass Slap " with Blair and Erika and the cocoanuts ( a.k.a rocks ) then jay-walking.
  • tiedyed t-shirts
  • Fighting over " the King Seat " ( But once you buy the ambulence Jill how are we gonna cruise in the king seat ? )
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Canadians
  • lemonade
  • summertime
  • The Old Port
  • Going to Canada in a Winnebago and drinking illegaly with Pennie, Jill and Sarah.
  • Canadian Mountie vs. Fugitive Lumberjack roleplaying...
  • And last but not least... THE SEXIEST MEN ALIVE !!! JASON WADE AND DAVE MATTHEWS !!!

    Stuff I don't like

  • I'm not allowed to mention you-know-who because I got in trouble for an earlier statement I made about her on my page... But it starts with an Ash and ends with a Ley...
  • muppets
  • pasta
  • the sound of bare feet rubbing on carpets
  • acid rinsed jeans
  • fubu
  • red meat
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • slutty people
  • cats
  • fat people who wear tight clothes
  • red lipstick
  • people with perms
  • greasy hair
  • musicals
  • snow
  • baked beans
  • teenyboppers
  • country music
  • wiggers
  • When lesbians show PDA's
  • red haired people who wear pink clothes
  • bad breath
  • people who don't pronounce there " R's "
  • mice
  • Who wants to be a Millionare ?
  • Who wants to marry a Multimillionare ?
  • possums
  • People who sing in public
  • People who don't smile
  • People who are fake perky
  • Stupid people
  • Smart people that act stupid
  • Strawberry milk
  • Strawberry milk shakes
  • brown stuff
  • Pat Sajak
  • people who wear overalls
  • bumper stickers
  • The theme song from M*A*S*H
  • ferrets
  • people who call me Caity
  • Charles Dickens
  • Any book by Charles Dickens
  • Any teacher who makes me read Charles Dickens ( cough cough... Laughlin !!! )
  • Any movie based on a book by Charles Dickens
  • Anyone that can actually say they liked A Tale Of Two Cities or Charles Dickens.
  • People named Charles
  • People named Dickens
  • The Peurto Rican kids that hang out at the mall. ( And for all of you dumb people that sign my guestbook thinking I'm predjudice... its not true. I just don't like them because they travel in large groups. And I have friends that work in Strictly Culture, and I own a Dew Rag... I'm hip. I'm cool. I'm with it. )

    Some random facts on me ...

  • I used to have a unibrow but I got it waxed
  • My toes are double jointed
  • My hair is blond but my eyebrows are black
  • I like the smell of permanent markers
  • Despite what Mariah may tell you we never made a porn movie together
  • I have trouble chewing gum and walking backwards at the same time.
  • I was almost hit by the ice cream truck
  • I can run a mile in 7 mintues and 54 seconds ( Impressive eh' ? I know. I know )
  • I have every intention of taking over the world someday.
  • Sean and I once tried to start world war 3... Needless to say, it didn't work...
  • I often get food stuck in my braces...
  • Sunflower seeds give me a rash
  • I enjoy throwing temper tantrums in public places when my expectations for good service aren't met. ( i.e. when people from the south don't know what frappes are, when Pacific Sunwear doesn't carry my shoe size and when Dunkin Donuts doesn't put sprinkles on the maple frosted donuts and they refused to make me one. )
  • I just found out that I'm connected with the mafia... ask me about it sometime...

    Quotes from some of my crazyass friends( most of them are inside jokes.)

  • " You're like a mexican jumping bean Caitlin, only bigger. " - Erika
  • " My friends left me in the trash can to survive among the lunch ladies. " - Pennie
  • " I put my mouth on dirty kids, dirty kids rock my world " - Blair
  • " Erin wake up !!! Shes getting raped by the snowman " - Jill
  • " Go put on your dead face " - Jill
  • " Caitlin are you stoned ? " - My mom
  • " Are you sure you aren't stoned ? " - My mom
  • " I have a bunch of scrapes on my legs and I'm not sure how they got there. They're probably from last night when I was running barefoot on the ashpalt cause I was drunk and they kicked me out of the hot tub " - Anonymous ( Yeah... right... )
  • " Dammit bitch !!! You hit my hitch !!! " - Random lady in Portsmouth... after... the accident.
  • " Hey where you ladies headed ? " - Man in van at tollbooth.
  • " Smile, somebody loves you " - Man in van at tollbooth.
  • " We only dance with the sweet hunnies " - Our ghetto friends.
  • " I've got some buisness to take care of later on tonight " - Ghetto friends.
  • " The boys got long hair. I call him the young Fidel Castro. " - Katie's dad, on Ben Jackson.

    My hopes, dreams, and aspirations

  • Holy grail
  • To find a wife for black jesus
  • To beat Nate Mulliner at basketball
  • To go on tour with Shawn Erickson as juggling breakdancers and wear a sparkley jumpsuit.
  • To marry the man from the bong shop in Quebec and have his love child.
  • To find the blue tic tac
  • To play the accordian
  • To get Blair smashed so she'll stop doing that gay chem free dance.
  • To buy an El Camino and paint it with a pink racing stripe.
  • To go to film school, only to use my knowledge and produce the best pornos known to mankind.

    Bands I like

    I'm somewhat obbsessed with music... so I thought I'd share with you what I like... In no particular order... Dave Matthews Band, Weezer, Guster, Phish, Beck, The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Led Zeppelin, Rustic Overtones, The Doors, Reel Big Fish, Pearl Jam, Bob Marley, The Get Up Kids, Stone Temple Pilots, Cake, The Ataris, Blur, MxPx, Angry Salad, Ben Harper, Less Than Jake, Saves the Day, Sublime, Green Day, Sex Pistols, The Cars, Bush, Oasis, Bouncing Souls, The Donnas, NoFX, The Taxis, Save Ferris, Nirvana, David Bowie, Jewel, Fiona Apple, 2Pac, Goldfinger,Barenaked Ladies, Dropkick Murphys, G Love and the Special Sauce, h20, The Hippos, silverchair, the Ramones, Snoop Dog, The Impossibles, Neil Young, Live, Nada Surf, Grateful Dead, Janes Addiction, Guttermouth, REM, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, James Taylor, The Queers, U2, Iggy Pop, Queens of the Sone Age, The Clash, Rusted Root, Blues Traveller, Mest, Our Lady Peace, Rancid, Pennywise, Homegrown, UB40, Unwritten Law, Dr. Dre, The Bangles, Incubus, and or course, Jimmy Buffet. As you can tell I have a wide variety of taste... and I left a lot out. So yeah...

    My guestbook !!!

    Hey I finally got a guestbook on my page. Please sign it cause it makes me feel really good to get the impression that I have friends. Please put something nice about me too. You might want to say something about my charming personality or ravishing good looks. Yeah. I'd like that.

    Mr. T says : " I pity da foo that does not sign Caitlin's guestbook ! "

    View My Guestbook Free Guestbook by Guestpage Sign My Guestbook

    This is my ( ex ) husband and me !!!

    His name is Andreas... hes from Denmark. We got married at the mall over the summer... but I sent him our divorce papers via a bottle on the beach, I hope it gets there all right. Hahaha... its not that I don't love him anymore... But you know how rape... I mean... Here is our honeymoon picture at the Dream Machine near the food court. He doesn't speak English very well... but I'm sure he thought I was a good wife too.

    MORE !!!

  • Fill out or read the survey,
  • Click here to read some messages to my friends, bitches, and other aquaintences
