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Color Game
A Fingerplay

Directions: Give each child a red, green, blue, or yellow child-shaped cutout (pattern on page 58).
Encourage her to move her color fellow at the appropriate time.

Red, green, blue, and yellow;
These are the color fellows.
Hold yours up when you hear its name.
It's time to play a color game.

Red, Red, move so high.
Reach and try to touch the sky.

Green, Green, move round and round.
Circle up and circle down.

Blue, Blue, move left and right.
Move until you're out of sight.

Yellow, Yellow, move front and back.
Keep on moving. Stay on track.

Our color game is almost done.
Let's play again; oh what fun!

adapted from a poem by Michelle Johnson and Rene Jenkins, Lakeland,FL
The Mailbox: Preschool April/May 1997 Fingerplays, Poems, & Rhymes: "Color Game" Page 45.

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