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if you are here, you probably took my Escaflowne Loyalty Test.

unless i'm still trying to get the JavaScript to work, you know your score. it scoring should know how many you answered yes to... goes...

if you got 0-5 yes...YOU ARE PATHETIC!!!!! you are coming over to my house right now to WATCH THE ENTIRE SERIES...i will not be friends with you...oh...i hate you...don't even talk to me (pleez do not be are still a good person, just completely unaware of Escaflowne!)

if you got 6-10 are not too great...this is a horrible grade...17% at the most!!! i can't believe it! can't say much else on you...

if you got 11-20 (i am starting larger increments) yes...YOU FAILED!...ok...just try to be more into Escaflowne...

if you got 21-30 are Escaflowne incompitant! can you live this way?

if you got 31-38 yes...ALMOST!...try contributing to my page...or signing my guestbook, or can pass, i know you can!

if you got 39/40 yes...YOU PASSED! congratulations...pleez email me and i will send you an Escaflowne Loyalty badge to put on your site, your bedroom wall, or some other strange place...

if you got 41-50 yes...WOW! know your Escaflowne! are a real trooper...and so loyal...weee!...pleez email me and i will send you an Escaflowne Loyalty badge to put on your site, your bedroom wall, or some other strange place...

if you got 51-55 yes...OH MY GOSH!!!! must be really cool...if you are me and we'll go out some time! (jk)...pleez email me and i will send you an Escaflowne Loyalty badge to put on your site, your bedroom wall, or some other strange place...

if you got 56-59 yes...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! are an Escaflowne obsessed freak, just like me!...WEEEEEE!....pleez email me and i will send you an Escaflowne AMAZINGLY Loyal badge to put on your site, your bedroom wall, or some other strange place...

if you got 60 lied.

by the way...if you failed...DO NOT EMAIL ME ASKING FOR A BADGE!!!...yes, i have no way of knowing if you passed or not, but pleez, only if you passed email me for a badge...i will put your name on it and everything...but if you put it on your webpage, pleez link it to




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