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Some call us loosers and some call us freaks, but most call us the Grove Rats. We are just a bunch of kids who are trying to make it through life as best as we can. And maybe, on the way, find out what it is we are supposed to do with ourselves.

We got the name Grove Rats because that little place in front of the Union here at Ole Miss is known as the Grove and considering that's where we sit 23 out of the 24 hours of the day the name just sort of evolved. There's no way to really say how many Grove Rats there really are. Of course, there are a few of us who have been here since the beginning and are always going to be here (at least for the next 4 years). But then there are those who sort of wander in from time to time. Some of them stay and some never come back, but that's okay. Most people look at us and say things like "How can you sit out there all the day?" Well, we do and we don't. We have lives! We all go to class and most of us do our homework. We go out and party...a lot. But, all that time that most people spend watching TV or whatever else in their rooms we are sitting outside with our friends.

So, enough of all that. Now you probably want to know who we are. Here are a few links to give you a bit of a better impression of us. I hope you enjoy.

Grove Rat Links


Rashaun's Editorial on Groverat life and Culture

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webrats of this page are Rashaun and Luke.
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Whatever THAT means.