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Hiya, I'm Jenni and I live in England. My fave bands are Placebo, Garbage, Stereophonics, Feeder and Travis. My fave colours are pink and blue, and I'm a vegetarian. I've had this site a while now, and it's not very different, but hey - no one's complained! I hope you stay a while, and if you want then please email me at Thanx!

about me

my name

some quotes


survey for you

cliques I've joined

people i love

tarot game


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Sorry this site is so short, but I'm trying to learn way more html. I really wanna learn frames, but I don't know where to learn! Keep coming back, there's more about every week to 2 weeks. PLEASE sign my guestbook, just to say you've been here or give me tips for my site. I'll visit your site and sign your guestbook if you do: I promise!

we're only perfect
when we lie
<< ? # >>

Yeah, an award!


I got my mouse-over link effects from