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Seiryuu, his seishi, and his miko are considered the "bad guys", but most of them are pretty nice people...and most of them are actually people...(weird...)



Yui (Seiryuu No Miko)



Yui (Seiryuu No Miko)







Nakago is the first Seiryuu seishi that Yui meets.  He "saved her from those bandits that did that horrible thing to her."  He is the only TRULY evil person in the series.  (that does not include anyone in the OAVs)  He is from Kotou, but he is a foreigner.  It's confusing.  He was the last of his people, cuz they were oppresed.  He's got blond hair and blue eyes, which kinda gives away the fact that he's foreign.  He has many seishi powers, including super-fighting ability, agility, special chi attacks, and sorcery, like Chichiri.  He's such a f***ing bastard!

Suboshi is (i think) the second Seiryuu seishi that Yui meets.  He is kinda a shy boy, and doesn't really like Nakago.  However, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement, and he becomes this pseudo-evil person.  He has a twin brother, Suboshi, and they can communicate to each other, without using their chi, so they're not spotted by the enemy, by writing on their body with their fingers. ("a nail?! no! anything but that!")  He is the younger of the twins, and the youngest seishi, at 15 years.  His seishi power is this martial arts thingi...i can't remember the name of spins and stuff.

Amiboshi is (i think) the third Seiryuu seishi that Yui meets.  He pretended to be Chiriko for the Suzaku calling ceremony, and screwed the whole thing up.  He was "killed" when he was found out and fell into the river.  He is the older twin (his twin is Suboshi) and can sometimes feel his brother's presence.  He is adopted by a family and called Kaika later on.  He's so handsome.  He loses his memory too often though.  His seishi power is the flute. >funny look< He can make people's brains explode by playing a special tune.  (cool, huh?) He falls in love with Miaka, and Suboshi falls in love with Yui...weird, huh?  He's also the only REALLY nice Seiryuu seishi.

Soi is the fourth Seiryuu seishi that WE meet.  Because they don't show when Yui meets anyone, except Nakago, i really don't know, so she's the fourth that WE meet. She is the only female of the Suzaku and Seiryuu seishi.  (one of the Bozan seishi is female)  She is also Nakago's little sex toy.  She's really nice-hearted, but she'll do anything that Nakago says, because she's in love with him. (sad, really) She even helps Miaka at one point.  I feel so bad for her.  Her seishi powers are sex (good one to have...teehehe) and she can conduct the weather.  What happens to her at the end is a little ambiguous, but i think she dies.

Aishitere is the fifth Seiryuu seishi that WE meet.  He's half man and half wolf.  He's beaten by Nakago on a regular basis, which is the only reason why he does anything that Nakago tells him to do.  I really have NO CLUE what his seishi power is, but when he dies, he turns into a wolf. Maybe that's his power...he's only in about 4 scenes of the entire series, so he's not too important, and i don't know too much about him.  Oh, well.

Tomo is the sixth Seiryuu seishi that WE meet.  He is the most funny guy without really trying to be.  He is a blatant's crazy.  ("i'm more attracted to your boyfriend than i am to you") His seishi power is the ability to create illusions.  He has the most horrible laugh.  It's like a cackle, but not quite, sorta like a cough.  Plus, he's got crazy-ass face paint going on.  He's almost evil.  More evil than Suboshi, but still almost evil, not fully evil...

Muboshi is the last seishi that WE meet.  He is the evil monk.  He has this little spinny thing that can raise monsters, plus he can steal people's voices, plus, he can take over other people's's scary.  I don't think that we ever see his character, and let me explain my idea of why.  The body we see him in...the small a child's body that he took over.  He therefore did not get born with that body.  So, the character is something on his body, not his soul.  So, this body wouldn't have it.  It's probably long and burried.  He is pretty much completely evil, i guess, but not as evil as Nakago.  i know that i said that Nakago is the only COMPLETELY evil seishi, but Muboshi is so evil, that i don't think that he even goes in the same category.  it's just that we don't know as much about him as any other character. i mean, we know more about AISHITERE for god's sake!

Yui, in case you are VERY dumb, is the Seiryuu No Miko.  That means she is not a seishi.  Not wanting to spoil, she has a very traumatic time when she arrives in Kotou...and that's after experiencing all the crap that Miaka went through in the first 30 or so episodes.  They are connected through their school uniforms.  If, by this time, you know that she's Seiryuu No Miko, you should probably have seen the part where she decides that she hates her best friend forever, Miaka, and that she will steal Tamahome away from Miaka...NOOOO!  Well, in the all turns out...oh, shit!  Almost gave away the ending! NOOO! Stupid, Kerry...STUPID!

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