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you have somehow been able to navigate your way through the turmoil and mess to the page where you, the surfer, can apply for an award (or two) from the Suzaku Seishi gang! (soon, you'll be able to get awards from the mikos and the seiryuu seishi...) now, read the rules, and look at the pretty samples and read the requirements for each, and decide which you like the best.  ENJOY NO DAA!

  1. NO HENTAI...i DO enforce this rule...although lemons are allowed...(if you have any good echi of Tamahome or Nuriko, though, let me know...jk)

  2. Your site must be a Fushigi Yuugi site...if you have a site, and you want an award, and it's not Fushigi Yuugi, you can go to my Escaflowne awards and get an award for an anime or non-anime site...

  3. If you don't get an award...although, you probably will, don't send me any flames...i don't make the descisions, the seishi do, and i do not appreciate the extra mail that i have to delete...i have enough from the 4 MLs i'm shut up!

  4. You do not need to download any of these awards, unlike some of Kerry's awards on my Escaflowne awards page...they are already posted on angelfire...

  5. Have fun...if you apply for an award, but i think that your site better fits the requirements for another award, don't stress, i'll give you the one that suits you best...k?   ENJOY NO DAA!

Hotohori and Nuriko's Award of Beautifulness

this award is pretty self-explanatory. Nuriko and Hotohori give this one away to sites that they think are almost as beautiful as they are. They are a little conceited, though, so it's kinda tough to...OW! Ano, you'll get one that's twice the size of this one and doesn't say "SAMPLE" across it. k? it's a beautiful picture of Nuriko being very female and Hotohori actually paying attention to her...though, that never happened in the series!

Tasuki's Absolutely Femme Award

now, don't take this award the wrong way.   but have you ever been to one of those know...where everything isn't necessarily cute, or pretty, but it all looks like it was designed by Barbie.  lots of pink.  lots of hearts.  lots of "OH! I JUST THINK THAT TAMAHOME IS THE HOTTEST GUY!!" and stuff like that.  my friend, Dave, if he ever made a Fushigi Yuugi shrine, he would win this award.  it's not a BAD thing persay...just a style...Tasuki gives this award away to whomever reminds him of all his sisters the most.  he has to kind of puke at the frilliness...

Tasuki: OH! What the @$*%&!  Why would someone make a webpage that is SO (*^&%#ing UGLY!  *rolls his eyes* I hate women!  I hate little gay boys too!  Especially Kerry's little fruity friend, David!  He is just so femmie!  Oh and anything in French just pisses me off!  HEY! KERRY! WHERE THE #(%#&$( DID YOU FIND THAT PICTURE!!! THAT'S NOT ME!! HOW DARE YOU POST THAT ON THE INTERNET FOR EVERYBODY TO SEE!!  I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR $^%(*^ ASS!!!

The Suzaku Gang's Absolutely Cool Rating

this one's a little harder to get, mainly because there are so many people who have to agree that our site deserves his award...see, and Tasuki has a very different opinion of what "cool" is than Chiriko. So, your site must be EXTREMELY cool to get this award...if your site is only about one character from Fushigi Yuugi, then you may have a little trouble getting this award, cuz Tasuki hates sites that are only about Monster-chan...OW! But, you should try anyway...


Tomo No Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Page

view winners' awards:

Tomo No Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Page

Chichiri and Chiriko's Kawaii Award

for those of you who are unlearned in the ways of the otaku (fan of anime/manga), kawaii means cute. As we all know, Chiriko is probably the cutest of the suzaku seishi because he is so young. (13) but, Chichiri, in my book, comes in second place. This award, they have to tilt their heads sideways when looking at your site and say:

Chiriko: awww, that's so kawaii!

Chichiri: daaa. that's so kawaii no daa!

those are all the awards that i'm giving away at the moment, but i have changed the setup of the form from the setup of the form for my Escaflowne awards so that you can apply for more than one award at a time...GOOD LUCK NO DAA!

Award Application

Your name:
Your email address:

What is the url of your site?
What is the title of your site?

You would like to apply for...

Hotohori and Nuriko's Award of Beautifulness

Chiriko and Chichiri's Kawaii Award

The Suzaku Gang's Absolutely Cool Rating

Tasuki's Absolutely Femme Award

Kerry, i can't decide...i want them all!

Why do you think that this award should be appropriated to your site? Stunning, fast, FREE!
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