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Redwall's Fur and Freedom Fighters

Hello there!This is Redwall,and I'm Honor Harrington.I'm the leader of the Fur and Freedom Fighters- We're the group that protects Redwall Abby now that it's under seige from that Lady Tavira Bloodwake and her band of balisks.They have already captured half of Mossflower.And their going after the abby now.We're trying to stop the,but were not taking new mwmbers right now.If you already signed up but have sent in less than 10 points of things, I'm not going to put you up-- sorry, but I have too many. Everyone else, You should be up by next week.
The Barracs- See the members

Rules, Ranks, and how the club works.


The Abby -- for Members only

I'm just getting this started,I promice it will be a lot better soon!

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This Unoffical Webring of Redwall Clubs site is owned by
Honor .

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