On Today's Menu...

Dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

The Flapjack Stack

Ouch my Liver!

Freestylin wit da Spick

Sausage, Ham, or Bacon?

Would you like Fries with that?

Freetylin with the Spick

"I'm freestylin every verse that I spit, cuz I dont even remember the words to my shit"

Here's some songs I wrote...have fun!


Snow Snow Snow Snow,
Snow Snow Snow Snow,
Snow Snow Snow Snow,



The Pirate Song

Yo ho ho and a bottle of vodka,
38 men lookin at a porno mag,
Yo ho ho and a bottle of vodka,
One gets horny and the others flip the page,
Yo ho ho and two bottles of scotch,
The horny kicks all the others asses,
Yo ho ho and a fat woman's rump,
He flips it back and goes to town,
Yo ho ho his pants hit the ground...


Porn bread...
Porn bread...
O, where is my porn bread?
I lost it last night,
My mother was right,
I shouldnt have turned out the light.
My porn bread is lost,
Nowhere to be found.
I wish I knew where it was,
But it appears that no one does...
Oh no, I hope it dont grow a moldy fuzz!
Have you seen my porn bread?
Have you any clue where it lies?
If you havent seen it,
Please dont just sit,
Get off your ass and look a little bit!
Porn bread...
Porn bread...
O, where is my porn bread?

A tribute to:
'The Birdy Song'
The birdy song was one of my best pieces, too bad I cant find the words! Stupid computer...If I ever find the words you can garauntee that they'll be here...The Birdy in my song was a dear friend of mine...I miss my birdy! why oh why did I lose the birdy?? God save us all!! forgive me!! ok...well now that that was said, the tribute is basically done...so peace yall

Dey Hoe
Dey Hoe
Dey Hoe
Dey Hoe has escape-ed
We dont need to catch her
Let the insect-men burn...
Burn little insect

Newer P-nut Buttr
This is my new song, yes my friend,
Its about P-nut Buttr yet again!
I started singin it, but couldnt remember the words,
Ya know what goes good with PB? lots of turkey birds!
But please dont use jelly.
Cuz that tastes really bad in my belly.
P-nut Buttr is yummy!!

Ouch! My Belly!
Did you use that jelly?
The PB was yummy,
Til you added that stupid jelly!
Now you hurt my tummy!
Why did you add Jelly???

The Horny Monkey and The Man
The horny monkey saw a man,
He was sitting down.
The horny monkey saw a man,
Why wasnt he in town?
The horny monkey saw a man,
He wondered who he was.
The horny monkey saw a man,
And tried to hump his leg!

My Brother Fucked A Goat
My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,

Who woulda thought it possible,
Seeing as he's gay?
Who woulda thought him capable,
To rape a goat that way?

My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,

My goat fuckin brother,
He also fucked a chicken!
Poor little chicken,
I wonder if it cried.
Poor little chicken,
I wonder if it died.

My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,
My brother fucked a goat,

or even
Complaints bout the Roaches?
Email The Spick!