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Hey, wassup everybody? Well my name is Chris Allaby, and I live in Camrose, Umm yeah, I'm 21 years old, I have short brown hair, and blue/green eyes. I am fairly fit, and I like to party hard. I listen to death metal music, I also listen to punk rock, heavy metal, grunge rock, alternative, Rap, and the ODD bit of country(my parents force me to listen to it). I enjoy raving, and Rave music with SHITLOADS of bass!! Umm heavy drinking was a necessity then i grew up and realized that money is a necessity in life. Umm I do some drugs, I am a proud PoThEaD! I LOVE mushrooms, and Extacy was awesome(but very bad) I have a lot of hobbies like break dancing, raving, partying, Weight lifting, Rhyming/Freestylin', in-lining and tinkerin' with cars! Well obviously I am a heterosexual male, and I idolize women like EVERY male does, but i am chained to the most beautiful woman in the world, her name is angel, and she is exactly that! SO yeah, if you ever wanna read any of my freestyles and shyte like that jus drop me an email at! But yeah don't kill nobody!! w3rd!!

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