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Home of utterly useless information you really don't give a shit about!

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Welcome to! Here it is that you can find out all sorts of useless information about me (which, if you don't know something about who I am, what in Hell are you doing here anyway?). In the pages hereafter, the author of this web site reserves the right to be rude, obnoxious and as provocative as he damn well pleases, and if you don't like it, you can click that little 'x' up in the upper right hand corner or visit or some other happy fun place where cynics like myself scream and melt like the Wicked Witch. I'm not writing this content for two year olds, so if the kiddies don't like it, they can reference the aforementioned page or the aforementioned 'x'.

Now that we've gotten the formalities out of the way; for those of you here because you were actually invited, welcome to my happy humble little abode. Yes, it sucks. No, there are no supernifty Javascripts and the like. I actually learned HTML back before those nifty things existed, therefore any niftyness you now witness is courtesy of the good people at Microsoft who made FrontPage. Who says Microsoft can't make something work?

Without further ado, I present to you my site. Just click on something to the left and cross your fingers and hope for a non-broken link. Okay, so I'm not perfect. You don't like it, then pretend the link actually works or something. Use your goddamn imagination. Oh, and if you want nice little crosslinks, just you wait, because I'm too fucking busy to bother with them right now just so you have convenient redundancy throughout my page.

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AIM Screen Name: TClaudius