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Blond Nick's Dumbass Moments

"No! I wash them every time I go in the shower. I even scrub in between...To tell you the truth, I don't sniff...that often because they're too far away from my nose, but no-one else complains about them so I guess they're pretty sweet smelling." ~Nick

This was a pretty funny part from an interview I read. Well, you wanna know what bodypart he was talking about? *wink wink*
Only one way to find out:

"Good Gawd, Willa! Put your clothes back on!!!" *shudder*

"WOAH! I'm so excited!!! Uh, of course I've had sex before, Willa... just not with a person. Woah!!! Is that a boob??"
"Bond. James Bond"

NICK: "C'mon guys, ya'll know what they say 'bout guys with big feet"
HOWIE: "Screw the size, Nick. U should worry 'bout the smell!"
"Baby, I brushed my teeth! Now, will ya gimme a kiss?"
Someone call 911!!! We need Jenny Craig, A.S.A.P.!
"I thought condoms were 100% effective!!!"

Someone please get the camera off Nick! eww!

"Hahahahaha! Kev, pull your bathing suit back up. And don't blame THAT on the cold water, buddy!"

The day Nick got banned from Disney World for stealing from lil' kids...
"Ummm... Willa, why do you have an adam's apple???"

NICK: "Brian, you broke my WHAT?!?!?!"
BRIAN: "Calm down, now. I'll buy you another Nintendo64, just don't hurt me..."

NICK: AJ! This is so embarassing! We can't BOTH wear the same outfit! Well, one of us is gonna haveta change...
*5 minutes later*
NICK: Well... I'm waiting!

Why is the mic in his mouth??? Probably because auditions for Nsync are tomorrow and he needs some practice *wink wink*
Alrighty, WHO gave Nick a Viagra?!? Now he has that damn horny look on his face! ugh, down boy! DOWN! geez, you'd figure Mandy would satisfy him, lol.
o 0 (OK there Nick, focus on the ball, focus on the ball...OH NO! crap, wrong BALL! ewww! ok, i need that golf bag again. Ah, my trusty BIG golf bag... covers EVERYTHING thats meant to be private!)

OH NO! they're multiplying! oh, wait a sec....this can have its advantages *grin* hehe

"So Frick, lemme get this straight...All I gotta do is have a pic taken of me holding Coke, and I get a check???"
"Yeah Frack...for the LAST time. You get paid for this"
"Wait wait wait! So, hold up...even if I don't even DRINK it, I still get paid?! oh, and even if..."
"GEEZ! yeah! Get over it! Celebrities do it all the time! It's an easy way to make cash"
"So, you tellin' me that ALL i gotta do..."
"FOR THE LAST TIME, Nick,'s THAT simple! geez!"

5 months and 28 days later, Nick FINALLY gets it and decides to promote a few other disgusting drinks such as Mountain Dew...
Nick sneaking into the girl dancers' dressing room...
"Is that a pubic hair???"
oops! I slipped one of the Hanson brothers in here. Sorry!
"Told ya I have big feet"

"I found $1.35 in the pool so far. Man, screw singing! I'm gonna be rich!!!!!"

Didn't anyone tell Nick what watching too much TV would do to him? lol.

Unlike FOX TV, i get the REAL pics and not some cheap animations, hehe.

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