The Season of Peace

by Allison K. East

Part Three

Warning, some relatively strong language

Taken aback by Muriella's actions, Kid was startled into responding to her kiss -- but only for a moment. As soon as he came to his senses, he pushed her away.

"What the Hell do you think you're doin'?" he exclaimed.

Stunned by his angry reaction, Muriella nevertheless put on an innocent expression. "What?" she asked.

"After standin' there and listenin' to me tell you how much I love my wife; how could you kiss me like that?"

"I...I like you Kid. I always have, well, ever since I began to grow up. I used to dread you writin' to Doritha and sendin' for her, but you never did. I was glad when she married Garth. It meant I could have you. Goodness knows, no other man is beatin' down the door. No one wants the daughter of a servant."

"If things are that bad, why didn't you ask for help. You know I would've given it."

"Mama's too proud. She hates the thought of beggin'. But I'm not. I wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't taken Doritha's money and left. You owe me."

"So you figure you'd try and convince me to run away with you."

"I want you to come back to Virginia with me. The South needs good fighters Kid. The South needs you, and I need you."

"But your forgettin' I have a wife and a child. I have a family to look after. Besides, I have friends who are on the other side of this War. Friends who are like brothers to me. I can't fight, because I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if I did somethin' to them. I've seen guilt like that. It tears you up.

"I'm not leavin' Lou, Muriella. I couldn't live without her."

Before Muriella could come up with an appropriate response, Jeremiah burst into the study.

"What is it?"

"I went upstairs to ask Louise if she wanted lunch, but she wasn't there. I found this. It's addressed to you."

Kid grabbed the letter and scanned it quickly. Then he turned to Muriella. "Did you have anything to do with this?"

"With what?" Muriella was genuinely confused.

Jeremiah snatched the note back form Kid and read it. He lunged at Muriella. "You bitch!" He practically screamed.

Kid forcibly restrained his brother-in-law. "What's gotten into you?" he asked, shocked that Jeremiah would use such language.

"It's all her fault!"

"How do you figure?"

Briefly, Jeremiah told Kid what had happened in the kitchen earlier. "You see?" he finished up. "That's why she's leavin'."

Kid shook his head. "Not quite. She said she was givin' me space to make a decision. If she was just reactin' to Muriella's threats, she'd come to me first. No, somethin' else..." Kid trailed off as realisation hit him. He checked the cupboard where that secret passage came out on that floor. Sure enough, the door was open a crack. Enough to see what had happened.

Kid's heart sank. "She saw." He glared at Muriella. "When everything has cleared up, I think you should leave. You're causin' too many problems."

Muriella's lower lip trembled as Kid and Jeremiah left her in the study, alone. She couldn't believe that all her plans were turning upside down.

After leaving the study, Kid and Jeremiah searched the house for Lou, in case she hadn't left yet. But there was no sign. Jed had been left in his crib, which led Kid to suppose that Lou was gong to ride Lightning. But one look outside told Kid that was crazy. It was snowing too hard to even see, much less ride.

Knowing that it was snowing to hard to get to the barn the conventional way, Kid also went down into the passage that led to the barn. He found Lou under the trap door leading into the barn. Somebody had piled hay on top, and she was struggling to open it.

Hearing that someone was coming, and instinctively knowing that it was Kid; Lou gave the trap door one last heave and managed to open it. She scrambled up the ladder, but she wasn't fast enough to avoid Kid. He went up after her.

"What are you doin' here?"

"We need to talk."

"About what? I know what I saw, Kid."

Kid placed his hands on her shoulders. "Let me explain..."

Lou pulled away. "Explain! How can you explain? I saw you kissin' her!"

"She was kissin' me."

"Some difference."

"There is a difference, Lou. If you had stayed in that cupboard a moment longer, you would've seen me push her away. I'm not interested in her."

Kid could see from the confusion on Lou's face that she would dearly love to believe him. But the pain caused by Muriella's words ran deep.

"Yes, Muriella kissed me, Lou. She also asked me to go back to Virginia with her. She said Virginia needed me to fight."

Lou turned away from Kid, so he could not see the tears that suddenly sprang to her eyes. She was afraid of what he would say next.

Kid cupped her chin in the palm of his hand and gently turned her face toward him. "I said no, Lou. I told her why I couldn't fight, and I told her that I couldn't live without you. I love you Louise."

The tears which had filled Lou's eyes overflowed and slid down her cheeks as Kid continued. "I know what Muriella said about you ridin' for the Express. But I love all that about you. I love your strength and your courage. I know from time to time I told you to stop, sayin' that it ain't right, but deep down, I always admired you for it.

"Lou, last night, when you had that dream, you begged me not to leave you. Now it's my turn. Please don't leave me. I need you..." Kid had to suddenly break off; his voice was cracking, and he had to swallow a lump in his throat.

Lou looked up at the somewhat blurry image of the Kid through her tears. She saw the love in his eyes, heard the tremor in his voice, knew he meant every word he said. The look on his face made her heart break, and she suddenly knew she could never leave him.

Lou's growing silence unnerved Kid. He had no idea what she would do; what she would say. Suddenly, she threw herself into his arms and kissed him soundly; the force of which knocked them to the ground. But neither of them noticed, they were too caught up in their kiss.

Nor did they notice that they had an audience. Jeremiah, concerned about his sister, had followed Kid into the passage at a discrete distance. He saw with satisfaction, that everything seemed to be all right, so he left them to it, to report back to the rest of the family.

After a while, Lou drew back. "Kid. What about Muriella?"

"Don't worry about her. As soon as it's safe to travel, she's leavin' here. She's causin' too much trouble to stay. Speakin' of which, I think we'd better get back inside. It's too cold out here."

They made love all that afternoon, finally falling asleep around dusk. No one disturbed them, everyone realised that they needed time to sort things out.

It was about eight o'clock when Lou awoke and heard it. A muffled choking sound. At first she thought that she was dreaming, as everything seemed to have a surreal quality about it. But as the sound grew louder, she decided to investigate.

Lighting a lantern and slipping on Kid's shirt, she went over to the baby's crib first. There, she found Jed struggling to breathe, As she picked him up, she heard the phlegm in his choking, and knew it was croup. "Kid!" she screamed, terrified.

Kid awoke with a start, "What is it?"

"It's Jed. I think he has croup."

Kid immediately got up and pulled his pants on. "I'll take him down to the kitchen. You'd better get somethin' warm on."

Numbly, Lou handed their son to Kid and followed his instructions. When she went downstairs, she found Kid and Emily in the kitchen, already administering the ipecac, to try and make Jed throw up the phlegm. They were joined by her brother and sister, but Lydia, seeing the situation, ushered them out to wait in the sitting room.

Kid, Lou and Emily worked through half the night, trying to make little Jed better; but he just seemed to be getting sicker and sicker. His little face was turning blue in his struggle to breathe. Finally, in despair, Kid went into the sitting room where everyone was waiting for news -- even Muriella was hovering near the staircase.

Kid shook his head sadly. "We don't think he's gonna make it. The ipecac isn't working." He turned to leave.

"Wait," Muriella called. Kid stopped. "May I have a look at him?"


"I've seen really bad croup before. I know somethin' that might work."

"Why should we believe you?" Jeremiah asked scornfully.

"Because, I may be able to save that baby. If I don't try, he'll surely die."

Kid looked at her dumbly for a moment. "You'll have to ask Lou," he said finally. They both knew that Lou may not accept Muriella's offer of help, not after what happened.

A look of betrayal crossed Lou's face when she saw Muriella follow Kid into the kitchen. "What's she doin' here?"

"She may be able to help Jed."


"Louise," Muriella began. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but I've seen bad cases of croup before. I may be able to save him."

Lou glanced at the Kid. It galled her to think that Muriella could be the one who could save their son, and part of her did not want to trust her. But Jed's life was at stake. If Muriella did not try, he would surely die. If Lou swallowed her pride and accepted Muriella's offer of help, Jed may live. Finally, Lou nodded.

"Have you got any sulfur?" When Kid gave her the sulfur, Muriella sprinkled it over the coals of the kitchen fire, filling the air with acrid smoke. The Muriella took Jed and held him over the acrid smoke, face down. Although Lou, Kid and Emily all wanted to snatch Jed out of Muriella's arms to stop her somehow they all sensed that what she was doing could work.

Sure enough, though it took until dawn, the sulfur in the smoke cleared Jed's lungs, and he could breathe again.

"You'll probably have to smoke him a few more times, until a doctor can take a look at him, but he should be fine."

"Thanks, Muriella," Lou whispered, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. When Emily took the baby, Lou suddenly hugged Muriella. Although, Lou may not trust her still after everything that had happened, she saved Jed's life. And that was something Lou would never forget.

Onto the Epilogue

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