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Pokemon Stuff

Pokemon Gold-This is a great game. It has the Gold world and the red/blue world. The red/blue world is very different though. My pokemon at the moment are a Merip, Annoo, Wanincoo, Pidgeotto, Togepi and a Butterfree. Togepi you get really early and level 7 he learns metronome! You can only download it off the internet.9/10

Pokemon Silver- This is a great game. It has the Gold world and the red/blue world. The red/blue world is very different though. My pokemon at the moment are a Merip, Annoo, Wanincoo, Pidgeotto, Togepi and a Butterfree. Togepi you get really early and level 7 he learns metronome! You can only download it off the internet.9/10

Pokemon Yellow- A pretty good game. The Gym leaders are harder which is good and having Pikachu there is kinda fun. 7/10

Pokemon red/blue- The game that started it all. This is obviously a good game so I won't go into it. 8/10

Pokemon Stadium-This game has some of the best graphics I have ever seen! Some people say it is boring so rent it out first but I thought it was great and stayed up all night playing it!

Pokemon Pinball- An amusing game that keeps you coming back. 6/10

Pokemon Snap- A great game but a little short so it doesn't last long. 4/10

Pokemon Stadium 2-

Pokemon tcg- Fun but way too expensive. Get it on gameboy. It's out now. 3/10

Pokemon tcg for gb-




Adam's Song-A great song! Kinda sad, but that's what makes so good.

The Party Song-This song was my favourite for ages! Really fast for most of it.


Wasting Time-This song is just plain cool.

Apple Shampoo-

All The Small Things-An awesome song that you could listen to all day!

Going Away To College-

Aliens Exist-This song is funny and a good song. If you haven't heard it you should.


Dancing With Myself-A good song that is pretty funny.


Romeo 'n' Rebecca-


I Won't Be Home For Christmas-


Does My Breath Smell-

Peggy Sue-

Benwahballs-This song is cool aswell and I listen to it every day.

Don't Leave me-

Wendy Clear-

What's My Age Again-This is a great song that you can listen to over and over again.

New Hope-



