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"History of the Clan Circle of Peace"
Written by Elavanna as told to her by Morhion Gen'dahar, Founder of Circle of Peace

This is the history of the proud clan Circle of Peace, which makes it's home in the clouds of Kjeldoran. The clan was founded by the Priest, Morhion Gen'dahar. Morhion agreed to tell the story of the clan's beginnings and the reasons behind the formation of a central clan in Kjeldoran.

Morhion began his life in the land of Elvandar, and as a half elf, lived as a pariah to the world of both the humans and elves. he left his home, bittered by the attitudes of his fellows and began a new life as a rogue mercenary, selling his sword to all who would pay his price, seeking vengeance against all who crossed his path.

He lived his life this way until one fateful afternoon when near-fataly wounded in a skirmish fought between his employer and a local Baron. As he lay in the field, unconscious and forgotten by fellow soldiers, a frail man found his wounded body and seeing the signs of fading life, gathered him to himself and took him to a nearby cottage. The man, who later revealed himself to be a Priest, used the powers gifted to him to heal and restore Morhion back to health.

While he nursed Morhion back to health, the old man soothed Morhion's bitterness and gradually began to raise Morhion's hopes for a fufilling life. Though at first Morhion only humored the man, the Priest's patience and serene manner overwhelmed Morhion's cold and long dead emotions. The Priest, who seemed to find comfort in company (even sarcastic company), began teaching Morhion the ways of the peaceful Gods. As Morhion listened and absorbed more, the Priest taught him the more gentle magics, hoping to embue the young half-elf with serenity and hope. Morhion's interest grew and soon, he found that his outlook on life needed not to be so grim.

As the friendship grew stronger and the trust between them grew as well, and Morhion's new faith became more firm, the older priest began teaching the stronger defensive magics, counciling Morhion that their use was only to protect oneself. Morhion stayed with with the Priest for many years, learning the ways of the Priesthood.

As time passed, the old man grew weaker and was soon confined to bed. Morhion gladly watched over him, and while the older Priest laid in his small cot, he spoke of unfufilled dreams. He spoke once of dreaming to form his own clan, the members not warlike, but helpful in all ways, to all races. He spoke of family, friends, and clan members all combined into one group, with one purpose. He sighed as he finished telling Morhion this and sadly closed his eyes. He never opened them again.

After the old man's death, Morhion wandered the realms. He gathered money as he could, and came to the city of Kjeldoran. A city of chaos, he grew in reputation as a healer and a spell caster. As his reputation grew, he remembered the old Priest's final words and approached the leaders of Kjeldoran about forming a clan of peace that would assist all those who requested their aid. The leaders, recognized the need for a clan such as the one proposed, and informed Morhion of a legendary place, left abandoned by a Wizard of no little consequence. The problem being, how to get there. Morhion, having the knowledge of the old Priest and his faith, went to a nearby temple and prayed to the gods for the knowledge neccessary to complete the old man's dreams.

One God, named Zerox, heard his prayers and opened the gates to the abandonded hall in the sky, and told Morhion "Ye have come full circle in your life and now strive for peace. This hall and all it contains will be yours as long as you follow the ways of peace. Let the Clan be called Cirlce of Peace for all who enter here shall have come full circle."

As time passed, members joined and the Circle of Peace grew. Soon it became so large, that others of the clan were needed as co-leaders. The First of these was Elrion. After Elrion, came Doker. After Doker, came Wuming, the Dragon of Peace, after Wuming came Peaceman, after Peaceman came Julia, after Julia came Shasa, then Santanya. Morhion has since disappeared and now, Tilar, Lashana and Syphillis lead the clan.

The Circle of Peace continues in it's mission to this day...

Clan Members History~
