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Clan Description

What is the Circles purpose? To protect and aid the people of the realm. We pride ourselves on being a neutral/good clan who are quick to give aid to those in it newbies or old pros alike. Our beliefs stem from the fact that in helping others we all gain for a better world. Unlike other clans, Circle of Peace relies on intellect, not brawns to fullfill our duties. We encourage individuality to be expressed within our members, which makes for a better clan family. Our family exists on reputation and so relies on each member to act accordingly. To be inducted into our family is not an easy task, but well worth the wait if you are truly noble and unselfish. Helping those worthy is a must for our clan.

It is our deepest wish that should you choose to become a member that you would want to do so for life.

1) First tier level 35 or above to join
2) MUST be helpful to others, such as giving directions to
newbies, casting spellups, giving aid to those in need, etc.
3) MUST post a RP note to Circle of Peace giving reasons
why you think you would be good for the clan.
4) MUST get a current member of C.o.P. to sponsor you
into the clan. This member must be above the rank of
Apprentice and below the rank of Saint
5) Sponsor MUST write a note to the clan saying they will
sponsor you.
6) Leader will give a quest you must complete If you are worthy.
7) MUST be loyal to C.o.P. and its members.
8) Once claned, you ARE claned for life unless all leaders
and 1 IMM agree you should be declaned.
9) Roleplaying is a must for our clan.

We are a nonpk clan. We do NOT recruit people so that they can level in safety within a clan until they are high enough in level to move to a pk clan. If these would be your reasons for joining, then Circle of Peace is not for you and you are not for Circle of Peace.

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