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Following the War of the Hundred Years a new way of reckoning time was developed by an Atha'an Miere scholar, Urin din Jubai Soaring Gull. Advocated by the first Panarch Farede it soon became the dominate calendar for all the known world. Named after Panarch Farede, Tarabon's first Panarch, it established the first year following the War as 1 NE (New Era).

The Farede Calendar established the present means of measuring time, with ten days to a week, and twenty-eight days in each of the thirteen months. The months were named as follows: Taisham, Jumara, Saban, Aine, Adar, Saven, Amadaine, Tammaz, Maigdhal, Choren Shaldine, Nesan, and Danu. These names, however are rarely used except in official documents, as everyone reckons time instead by the season, and fix dates according to their proximity to this or that feastday, generally a major holiday.

There are a few major holidays celebrated in every nation of the known world from the Aryth Ocean to the Spine of the World that are not in fact part of the month that they fall in. For example Sunday, the longest day of the Farede Calendar system, falls annually in Amadaine, but is not considered to be a day of that month. Other such examples are the Feast of Thanksgiving which is celebrated once every four years on the spring equinox and the Feast of All Souls' Salvation (All Souls' Day), observed only once every ten years, at the autumnal equinox.

As a result of the vast number of days set aside for celebration, it may be expected that any person will have at least 105 to 116 days upon which no work is expected, except for feastday observances. There are also, because of the manner in which the calendar has been set up, several holidays which overlap. When this is the occasion the celebrations grow to an even greater size.

Although there are far too many feastdays and festivals to list here, as to include them would require an index of several hundred, perhaps even thousand, those most widely observed have been included.

List of Feastdays and Festivals

The Feast of Lights
High Chasaline
Feast of Abram
Lamma Sor
The Feast of Fools
Bel Tine
Tirish Adar
Feast of Neman
The Feast of Freia
The Feast of Maia
Mabriam's Day
Low Chasaline
The Festival of Lanterns
Bel Arvina

If you have any questions, notice any glaring errors, or have know of anything else that I might want to add to the page please feel free to e-mail me

Webmistress Aerin Lonswiq