Sailor Moon R: The Movie Continued

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Doctor: The couple are gone. It's a miracle their only son is alive.

Little Mamoru (LM): Dad, Mom, I'm all alone.

Little Fiore (LF): It's okay. I'm here. (The memory fades to show Fiore's face)

TK: Fiore...

Fiore: Stay where you are. You've been injured and need to recover.

TK: Fiore, I remember you being there. Then what I say as a child was true?

Fiore: You thought it wasn't? I remember it like it was yesterday. I don't know where I was born. I was just roaming around in space. I was tired by the time I reached your planet. When I saw you I understood. You were calling to me and we were no longer lonely. But I couldn't stay with you. I can't live too long on Earth...

LF: (flash back) Thank you.

Fiore: (talking during flashback) I never imagined recieving a flower could bring such joy.

LF: Next time, I will bring you many flowers...

Fiore: After going to many worlds I finally found the flower for you. Once I found the Kisenian I realized I must kill all the people on Earth who never cared for you.

TK: Fiore. I never wanted that. Why did you...?

Fiore: Mamoru, you will not desert me.

TK: Fiore!

Fiore: I'm the only one to give you flowers! (scene goes to the Sailor Senshi and the cats discussing the plant that attacked them.)

Jupiter: What's the Kisenian flower?

Artemis: It is an evil flower which wants to steal the energy of the stars. It is the most dangerous plant in space.

Luna: It is the first time for us to see it In the Moon world the story of the Kisenian was told long ago. It was a normal flower which was unable to do anything.

Artemis: So she needed someone who could work for her.

Luna: She preyed on those with weak minds and turned them to hatred.

Jupiter: Turned them to hatred?

Artemis: Then they began to demonstrate their power. The Kisenian has destroyed many planets.

Jupiter: And the man that took Mamoru away?

Artemis: He has also been touched by the flower.

Mercury: Now we know what we're fighting against. The flower has the same energy pattern as the meteor.

Jupiter: So the meteor?

Artemis: That's right! It must be the base of the Kisenian's power!

Luna: And Mamoru was taken to there!

Jupiter: There's no time to lose!

Venus: Let's use our powers to transport to the meteor. It's our only chance to save Earth.

Moon: It's no good. It's no good everyone! It's too dangerous! Everyone will share Mamoru's fate. It's because of me! He was trying to protect me!

Mars: Usagi...

Chibiusa: Get a grip Sailor Moon! (turns Luna-P into a gun and points it at Sailor Moon.) If you feel that way then you can't save Mamoru! (Shoots the gun and a message stick to Sailor Moon's head. It says "Stand Strong") You're the champion of justice!

Moon: Chibiusa...

Jupiter: Chibiusa is right.

Venus: A powerful enemy is attacking Earth.

Mercury: We can't lose courage.

Mars: Let's do it for Mamoru. (The Senshi gather in a circle, holding hands, eyes closed.)


Luna: TELEPORT! (bright lights eminate from the girls and they disappear.) (Chibiusa stares up at the sky.)

Chibiusa: (thinks) Usagi, stand strong.

The girls fly towards the meteor which opens up into the shape of a large flower.

Mercury: There it is!

Venus: There are so many flowers!

Mercury: Something's coming! (One of Fiore's flower monsters flys through the air and attacks the girls)

Jupiter: Damn. It's coming again.

Venus: Everyone, let's fight!

All: Okay!

Venus: Sailor Planet...

All: ATTACK! (There is an explosion and the girls go flying through the air. Sailor Moon makes a less than perfect landing but the monster is destroyed)

Jupiter: What's that?

Mercury: I'm finding out. (Mercury uses her visor to see over the great distance) It's Mamoru!

Moon: Mamoru!

Jupiter: Wait! It may be a trap.

Fiore: I would never use Mamoru to trick you.

Venus: Where is he?

Fiore: (appears from the flowers) I never thought you'd make it here.

Moon: Return Mamoru to us!

Fiore: It's not time for Mamoru to return yet.

Mars: What do you mean?

Fiore: (Seeds like the one earlier float up around him) Do you know what this is? This is the seed of my flower. Once this meteor gets close enough to the Earth my seed will be distributed and they will bloom and cover the entire planet's surface!

Mercury: So mankind will...

Fiore: That's right. Their energy will be absorbed and they will die.

Mars: We won't let you do it! (Shoots fire at him)

Jupiter: Damn. Where did he go?

Mercury: Look out! They're surrounding us and there's more more and more appearing! They are increasing in huge numbers!

Venus: It can't be! Sailor Moon, you need to use the Princess Halation to clean this star.

Moon: Got it.

Venus: Everyone, cover Sailor Moon.

Jupiter: Let's move. (Her antenae goes up) SUPREME THUNDER! (kills many flowers)

Venus: CRESCENT BEAM! (also kills many flowers)

Mercury: SHINE AQUA ILLUSION! (kills...oh you get the picture)



Fiore: (floating above the battle) Oh no. They're destroying all my flowers!

Mercury: Everyone look out! They're gathering at 9 o'clock! (The flowers join together to form what looks like a giant wave. Before they crash down, Mars throws Sailor Moon off the hill so that just the four of them and swallowed by the flowers.) (The flowers turn back into a seemingly harmless hill. Sailor Moon runs to the hill and trys to dig through the flowers)

Moon: Rei, Ami, Makoto, Minako! Don't die!

Fiore: How cowaardly. Thinking only of yourself and abandoning your partners.

Moon: Moon Princess...

Fiore: Wait! (The ground breaks to reveal the four senshi tied together with vines)

Moon: Everyone!

Fiore: Drop your weapon or else... (he electrocutes the senshi)

Moon: Everyone!

Fiore: If you continue to destroy my flowers I will cause your friends a great deal of pain. If you feel anything for your partners at all throw away your weapon.

Mars: Sailor Moon, we understand.

Venus: Fight on Sailor Moon!

Mercury: You're the only one who can save the Earth!

Jupiter: Get them all!

Fiore: What are you going to do? Are you going to desert your partners again? (Fiore watches Sailor Moon. She drops her Cutie Moon Rod to Fiore's surprise)

Moon: I can't. I'm sorry everyone but I can't fight. You all mean too much to me!

Mars: You're a coward!

Moon: I can't stand to see you all in such pain!Everyone!

Fiore: (holds his head as his flowers begin to die.) What? How can this be? How can I feel such strong emotions?

Kisenian: Fiore, don't be fooled. Sailor Moon wants to take Mamoru from you.

Fiore: You're right. I won't be fooled.

Kisenian: Fiore, I will lend you my power. If you defeat Sailor Moon, Mamoru will be yours forever! (Pink smoke whirls around Fiore. He looks very different, including a third arm.) (The vines holding the senshi disappear and the girls fall to the ground. Meanwhile Tuxedo Kamen tries to break out of the crystal which is healing him.)

TK: (lying on the ground after shatering the crystal) Usako!

Fiore: (Throws Sailor Moon backwards into a large rock which crumbles. He grabs he before she falls and holds her tightly. He begins to take her energy) I will absorb your energy! My flowers are happy I'm taking your energy. Yes. the liar that has treated Mamoru and me in this way cannot live. Can you comprehend the loneliness that Mamoru and I have felt? You have never been lonely! (Mercury wakes up and has a flashback)

Girl1: Look! She's just going to sit there and study again!

Girl2: We already know she's smart! She's showing off!

Fiore: You are always so optimistic and everything goes your way! You've never known sadness. What do you know? (Jupiter awakens and has a flashback)

Girl: I heard she got hurt fighting again.

Guy: This time she'll leave school!

Girl: She's so tempermental! No one want's to get near her!

Fiore: Do you know the lonliness one feels when they have no friends? (Venus wakes up and has a flashback)

Girl1: It's so hard to talk to Minako!

Girl2: She always say "Well I have to be going now!"

Girl1: She must think she is Sailor V!


Fiore: Can you understand the loneliness when no one understands you? (Mars wakes up and has a flashback)

Girl1: There, there! She's psychic!

Girl2: You mean her?

Girl1: Whenever someone loses a wallet or something she can tell you where it is!

Girl2: That's a little scary!

Fiore: (Drops Sailor Moon to the ground. Her eyes are all blue) I will kill you. Die.

Venus: Stop! Please don't take her from us!

Jupiter: She is very important to us!

Mercury: Usagi gives us something that no one can replace!

Fiore: What are you saying? She's a liar! What do you know?

Mars: You don't understand. Before we met Usagi we were all lonely!

Fiore: (Becomes confused) No! You're lying! you've all been trick by this girl. Sailor Moon, I can't let you live. DIE!! (He shoots sharp vine tentacles towards her body)

Venus: Usagi!

Jupiter: Stop!

Mars: Usagi!

Mercury: Usagi! (A red rose hits Fiore square in the chest. He looks down. All the tentacles missed Sailor Moon.)

Fiore: That flower! (He looks up to see Tuxedo Kamen. TK falls to the ground.)Mamoru!

Venus: Mamoru!

Fiore: It can't be! (Fiore screams and the flower flys out of his chest. He goes back to his normal self and falls to the ground.)

Kisenian: What's wrong Fiore? Fight! I'm here with you!

Fiore: I can't because...Mamoru threw that flower at me!

TK: Fiore...

Fiore: Mamoru has deserted me! (The flowers on the neteor all disappear.)

Mercury: (drops to ground) The Earth has been saved. (The meteor shifts direction, nearly knocking everyone off balance.)

Fiore: The path of the meteor has changed.It's heading straight for the Earth. You no longer have the power to escape. I will never hand Mamoru over to anyone!We will all die together when we burn up in the atmosphere!

Kisenian: That's right. Even if you die I will punish the people of Earth for you.

Moon: I will never allow you to do that. (Rises to her knees and her locket opens to reveal the Silver Crystal)

Venus: Stop!

Mars: Don't use the Silver Crystal!

Jupiter: If you use the crystal...

Mercury: You'll die!

TK: Don't!

Moon: It's alright. I won't die. Let's go back to Earth together, okay? (Just as she goes to release the crystal Fiore grabs her broach)

Fiore: I won't let you use your power! No! I won't let you! (Sailor Moons transformation goes all to ribons) You will die here with me!

Moon: (Touches Fiore's hand) What are you scared of? It's alright. You won't be lonely.

Fiore: You're lying! You want to trick me! (The crystal envelops Fiore in a bright light to reveal another flashback. Little Mamoru is on his bed in the hospital crying when a little, blonde, odango headed girl walks in and places her head on his lap.)

LM: Who are you?

Little Usagi (LU):Don't cry!

LM: But I'm losing my only friend and I have nothing to give him!

LU: I became a big sister today because my mother had a baby. Here. Congratulations!

LM: Thank you. (reaches to take the rose from Usagi when the memory freezes. Fiore stands in the room)

Fiore: Sailor Moon gave Mamoru a flower? That flower was once from Sailor Moon?! It was...(he lets go of the broach to show the beautiful Silver Crystal)!

Kisenian: Fiore she's lying! (Fiore begins to cry) Fiore! (She screams and is destroyed. Fiore's body lifts into the air and disappears.) (Usagi opens her eyes and removes the Silver Crystal from her broach.) (She raises it above her head and transforms into Princess Serenity.)

Venus: Usagi!

Jupiter: Usagi!

Mars: Usagi!

Mercury: Usagi!

TK: Usako!

Serenity: I will protect you all! (Lowers the Silver Crystal so that it is horizontal. A light begins to form around the meteor.) (She has trouble holding the Silver Crystal up and begins to pray.) Silver Crystal give me the power to protect everyone. I won't let them feel lonely! (Tuxedo Kamen stands up and turns into Prince Endymion.)

Venus: (The senshi begin to get up.) Everyone let's help!

Jupiter: Let's lend Usagi our power!

Mars: Yes. We'll give our strength and courage!

Mercury: Let's go back to Earth together! (A large chunk of the meteor knocks Usagi down. Endymion places his arms around her. The senshi move forward, drop to one knee and grab hands.) (They each in turn have a flashback starting with Mercury.)

Usagi: Hey! If you're going to play then play! Stop working!

Ami: So, let's play!

Mercury: Usagi!

Usagi: Boy! You sure do work hard!

Rei: Ah. you just realized that?

Mars: Usagi!

Usagi: Boy! That sure looks tasty!

Makoto: Hey, aren't you scared of me?

Usagi: Huh? Why?

Jupiter: Usagi!

Moon: I can't believe it! Sailor V is right in front of me!

Venus: Tah dah! In person!

Moon: (Happy laugh)

Venus: Usagi!

Serenity: (thinking) That's right. Everyone lend me your power like before. The crystal is becoming stronger. (speaks) No one will be lonely!

Mercury: Mercury Star Power!

Mars: Mars Star Power!

Jupiter: Jupiter Star Power!

Venus: Venus Star Power!

Serenity: Moon Crystal Power! (Five lights join together and the crystal glows pink. The light surrounds the meteor and the crystal breaks.) (Serenity's eyes darken and she falls back as the meteor changes course.)

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