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Concert Reviews!!!!

Backstreet Boys - Into The Millennium Tour
Montreal's Molson Centre
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 (7:30pm)

The concert started at around 7:30pm with a pretty long performance by Mandy Moore. She sang about 6 songs and hyped up the crowd.

Next up, at around 8:10pm, was EYC (Express Yourself Clearly). They weren't exactly popular and the audience seemed to be getting pretty eager when they started cheering for BSB. EYC stripped, sang, danced and FINALLY got off stage in time for BSB to make their BIG appearance. There was a short 15 minute break before the big surprise.

At 8:45, the lights went out and the crowd stood excited. The Boys entered with some glory on their surfboards flying from one side of the stadium. They landed on the stage and spread out with the dancers while the theme music from Star Wars came on. Finally, eyebrow boy (AKA Kevin) nodded his head and the music from Larger Than Life started.

They continued with a few up-beat songs, but then slowed down with songs like "Don't Wanna Lose You Now" and "Quit Playin' Games".

Halfway through the concert, "Don't Want You Back" started and I couldn't really see the boys. I looked up and saw AJ right above me! They were flying around upside down, towards the fans, and just giving it their all during the moody break-up song. Then *sob* came the sentimental song. haha. "The Perfect Fan" brought some to tears as the Boys brought 5 pairs of moms and daughters and introduced them to the crowd. The main shock to Kevin fan was when he surprised us all on the piano, playing "Back to Your Heart".

The concert ended with 2 finales: "It's Gotta Be You" and "I Want It That Way". The boys showed off their moves, as well as introduced the dancers and band during "It's Gotta Be You". It was DEFINATLY my fave part of the concert...just cuz it was the FUNNEST! Finally, I was kinda sad since "I Want It That Way" came on, and I knew the concert was coming to an end. The Boys took a bow with the rest of the Backstreet (the dancers and band).

AJ jumped into the audience to greet some fans (he was 5 ft away from ME!!!) and then everyone left the stadium at around 10:45pm. I KNOW that it was a night, never to forget :)

*some little notes*

-the concert consisted of 19 songs:
1- Larger Than Life
2- Get Down
3- The One
4- As Long As You Love Me
5- Don't Wanna Lose You Now
6- Quit Playin' Games
7- Don't Want You Back
8- The Perfect Fan
9- Back To Your Heart
10- Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
11- We've Got It Goin' On
12- That's The Way I Like It
13- Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
14- Spanish Eyes
15- No One Else Comes Close
16- I'll Never Break Your Heart
17- All I Have To Give
18- It's Gotta Be You
19- I Want It That Way

-Kevin was in a sling due to the fact that he dislocated his shoulder a few weeks before the concert.
-Nick and AJ were goofing off during "Quit Playin' Games" and did some funny dance.
-Howie(aka MC D.) and Nick did their own rap thang and totally cracked up the audience with that gag.
-AJ was paying ALOT of attention to those in the nose-bleed section which I thought was pretty sweet.
-Howie and Brian showed up at the opening of Roots downtown earlier that day. (I missed 'em by like half an hour!!!)
-Nick was ESPECIALLY sweet and cute (as usual) as he addressed the audience and goofed off during the concert. (and he pointed at me during a song! ahhhh!)
-Apparently Nick was changing under/near the stage while one of the Boys was talking to the audience and I didn't notice that he was like right next to me! D'oh! lol, but it was dark down there so it was hard to see him.

KTBPA! ~FrAcKy~ (owner/creator of the site, dumbass! lol)

The following was sent to me from my matey Gems from Britland, hehe. I meant England. NEways, here's what to expect from the boys on their Millenium Tour:

Backstreet Boys

Earls Court - June 16th 1999

Well the main thing I can say is it was FANTASTIC!!!! As all the other concerts they have done. It was really a concert not to be missed.

Well as the Star Wars music played the crowd became excited, all the girls began screaming. blowing on their glittered whistles and began chanting "Backstreet Boys, Backstreet Boys". It was a wonderful feeling to be their and amongst all the fans who have plummeted the boys to success all over the world. The first sign of movement was the lights dimming and a clad of people in white and orange boiler "jump" suits walking through the isle carrying tall illuminated lamps. They moved slowly down to the stage and stepped up the steps onto it one at a time. These were the dancers they danced for about a minute then the guys floated down from the ceiling on hovering skate boards (as seen in the film "Back To The Future"). I felt sorry for Brian at this point as he doesn't like hights or flying. But they slowly drifted down onto stage and then with a flash of lights and poof of smoke "Larger Than Life" began to play. The crowd were ecstatic and the boys danced and sang there hearts out. They wore white long sleeved T-Shirts with a netted, plastic-type material over the top and jeans or trousers. They were all also fitted with safety harnesses and belts and things to make sure they were perfectly safe. Somewhere near the beginning of the show these were removed. I don't remember the order of the songs but they sang a lot. All the songs of the new album Millennium were sang except "I Need You Tonight", also from previous albums were "We've Got It Going On", "Get Down", "As Long As You Love Me", "All I Have To Give", "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", "I'll Never Break Your Heart" - I think this was sang. And of course "Everybody Backstreet's Back". All songs were performed well, they brought them to life (as usual) with their vocals, dance movements and of course their presence. They paid tribute to the late Denniz Pop with a song; "Show Me The Meaning". And with anguished cry's of anger from the crowd, serenaded 5 lucky fans and their mums. This was great - really special and a great performance, the guys went out of their way to do something nice for the fans, and even if they didn't enjoy it (none of them seemed to be smiling) we did.

The concert overall was fantastic, brilliant vocals, brilliant costumes, excellent dance moves (and back up dancers), they bought the show alive!!!! I wouldn't of missed it for the world - so if you still have a chance to go and see them - GO!!! You'll enjoy it.

-Much love!!! Gemma Dupen from London, England

Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!


To check out Tour Scedule, CLICK HERE!!!

BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!! before its too late...i know out of experience (Darn nose-bleed section!!!) hehe!