What they REALLY think about eachother...

What do the boys think about Nick, and what does Nick say to defend himself?

KEVIN: Nick is young and he has enormous energy. I would like to be as nonchalant and free as he is. He doesn't doesn't take anything seriously, probably because he's only 17 years old. He gets annoyed when I correct him in front of other people. He is definatly the clumsiest of the group, but that's because he has been growing up this year.

AJ: Nick is a joker. He always plays tricks, but I don't want to tell you what.

BRIAN: He's like the younger brother I never had. I can help him in many things. He doesn't like to lose in sports, and always gets mad when I beat him in Nintendo games. But he is a considerably mature man for his 17 years.

HOWIE: He is filled with energy, but sometimes he doesn't really know how to direct it in the right way. He is very unpleasant in the morning when he wakes up, and when he gets uptight, he attacks. But he's young and we forgive him. Otherwise, he's completely crazy about Nintendo.

NICK: OK, I admit that I am a demon at Nintendo. I love sport games, adventures and action. It never bores me. I can't always do what I like. If I can't play basketball in front of the hotel, then at least I can jump into a video game and relax. I don't have alot of friends. I only have these guys around me!

What do the Boys say about AJ, and what does AJ say to defend himself?

NICK: I don't know if you will understand the meaning, but I'll give you only one word for him - bone. That's all!

BRIAN: AJ is a gentleman who never shuts his mouth. He's always telephoning relatives in Florida. You should see his phone bills. He's always grinning, and never empties his battaries.

KEVIN: AJ is quick to make promises. He'll do anything not to hurt someone. He's always ready to party.

HOWIE: I remember once when AJ and I dated some girls. Suddenly, he started to recite a poem! I remind him of that at least once a day.

AJ: Well, let's start with the poem. Sometimes you fall for a girl and you simply don't know what to say. So you chatter something which sounds good, and because girls are sensitive, they fall for words. Well then, kill me, I don't known what else to say!!

What do the Boys say about Brian, and what does Brian say to defend himself?

KEVIN: Brian is an authentic clown. We're always mad at him, but, in fact, we can't live without him.

AJ: Brian's not afraid to cry - he and Kevin cried like babies when our CD went gold. Touching...

NICK: All of us like sports, like to compete and like to win. When Brian and I play, I never know what the outcome will be.

HOWIE: Brian is the person who draws attention nonstop. AJ, let's say, starts a story, but nobody listens to him, while everyone looks at Brian who makes totally silly faces. Sometimes he really behaves like a monkey.

BRIAN: That is inborn. Everybody in my family is always doing something funny. We always make each other laugh.

BRIAN confesses: I bite my nails. The worst is when I sign autographs and girls see my fingers.

What do the Boys say about Kevin, and what does Kevin say to defend himself?

BRIAN: In one word: perfectionist.

AJ: Kevin's nickname is Train. When we play basketball he rolls over us...

HOWIE: Kevin is a mature man, responsible, proficient and knows exactly what he wants. But sometimes he can't find an adequate way to achieve this. He is a natural leader and he keeps us together.

NICK: He's always lifting weights and always makes an effort to look good!

KEVIN: In showbiz, it's very important how you look. Everyone wants to criticize that. But I really feel bad if I don't eat right or if I don't exercise enough.

KEVIN confesses: I would like to sing like AJ. He has that soul-funky voice. Brian sings something like Kenny Loggins. I think I have the most ordinary voice in the world.

What do the Boys say about Howie, and what does Howie say to defend himself?

AJ: Howie has several problems, especially with his hair. It is very hard to comb. So if you want to unnerve him, just put your hand in his hair and he will go crazy.

KEVIN: I would like to be like him. He has a big heart. He can be very sensitive.

NICK: Howie has a really twisted wardrobe. A few years ago, he wore narrow pants while the whole world wore wide. Now it is more modern to wear narrow pants, andhe walks around in wide pants. But that's Howie!

BRIAN: Howie is a gentleman - quiet, the peacemaker of the band. He always listens to both sides, and then he speaks his mind. But our fights are usually about what to wear or what to sing.

HOWIE defends: My motto is: Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

HOWIE's plea: Fans - Please don't send me any more candy! I used to eat sweets non-stop, but now I have to be careful!