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How many asstins does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, asstin enjoys being in the dark!

What do you get if you cross asstin with a rock?
I dont know, but the rock gets screwed on that deal!

Why did Dr Rolf's labratory stop using rats and start using asstin in experiments?
1. Dr rolf gets attached to rats. 2. Asstin will do anything and never question it!

What do you do if asstin throws a granade at you?
Pull the pin and throw it back!

What is the difference between asstin and a sperm cell?
A sperm cell has a one in one million chance of developing a brain!

Why did Carrie only need one pall bearer for asstins funeral?
It only takes one person to take out the trash!

Whats the difference between asstin and a bucket of dog crap?
The bucket!

How did asstin try to kill himself? He jumped out the Titan basement window!
What is the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead asstin in the road?
There are skid marks in front of the skunk!

Why did Carrie write "TGIF" on asstins shoes?
So he would know"Toes Go In First"!


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