Written by Jasmine Isaksson
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Darkness. That was all Jack could see. He didn't know where Rose was, but he hoped she was okay. She had to be.

Suddenly, a bright light surrounded Jack.

Where am I? he thought.

Instead of darkness, Jack was now surrounded by the white light.


Jack turned around and saw Fabrizio behind him.

"Fabrizio," Jack said.


Fabrizio ran to his friend and hugged him.

"What happened? Where are we?" Jack asked.

"The last thing I remember is that something fell on me. Then everything went black," Fabrizio said.

"If you want my opinion, I'd say we're dead."

Fabrizio and Jack turned around.

"Tommy," Fabrizio said.

Tommy walked over to Jack and Fabrizio.

He was smoking a cigarette.

"How did you die?" Jack asked.

"I got shot," Tommy said.

"It is strange. I can't feel pain," Fabrizio said.

Jack sighed.

"You're still thinking about her, aren't you?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, I am," Jack said.

Jack turned to Fabrizio and Tommy.

"How about a game of poker?" he asked.

"Can't say no to that," Tommy said.

Fabrizio smiled.

The End.
