Written by Christa P.
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.


Why did this happen?

Why did you have to go?

Why did my only love have to be taken from me after such a short time?

What would have happened if there hadn't been this iceberg?

Would we still be together? I know the answer: Yes.

So many questions, running through my head. I'm lying in the boat. The blanket around me. I look up into the sky. Stars, so many stars. Stars. Shooting stars.

Where was your shooting star?

Didn't your soul go to heaven?

Where was your shooting star?

Why did I not see it?

Maybe you aren't dead?

But you have to be. I saw you slip away into the ocean. To the Titanic. Like the Titanic.

Where are you?

Is your spirit with me? Why can't I feel it around me, taking me with it?

Are you dead, really dead?

I can't believe it, but I saw it. I saw you die, in front of me. Maybe even because of me. I didn't give you more room. So you had to stay in the water, freezing, dying. But I promised to go on, but I can't do it, not without you. I'll die, too.

I look around. The boat is almost empty. The officer who rescued me is waving a green flare. I'm resting my head on a box, the words RMS Titanic written on it. A warm blanket is wrapped around me. I feel cold. Colder than ever. Without your warmth, your comforting warmth. I am so lonely. I long for you.

Why can't you be there?

I turn my head. In the boat are just a few men. They are sitting together, warming each other, not noticing I'm awake.

I turn my head again. I imagine you lying there beside me. I reach out for your peaceful, sleeping face, expecting to touch only thin air. My fingers come near your face.

Why do I have to touch air in a few moments?

My hand touches your face. You're here.

How can that be?

I thought you were dead.

I'm only happy, but I can't believe it. You're here, you are not dead, you're alive. You didn't die.

Why don't you open your eyes to look at me?

Oh, now you do. You smile at me. Your smile makes me feel so much better. I know that you're really here, that you'll never go away again.

No words need to be spoken. No questions need to be asked. I don't want to know how you survived when I let you down, not now. It's only important that you are here, with me, for me.

Kiss me, please. Why don't you kiss me?

You do it now. I close my eyes, enjoying it, feeling it. Feeling your lips on mine. It can last forever. We are together and always will be.

The End.
