Written by Vivian Fung
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

The death of Jack Dawson left Rose DeWitt Bukater with a broken heart, a wound in the heart so deep that it could not be healed. She went on with her life as she promised, but she couldn’t always fight back the tears that seemed to be always there, somewhere in her heart, in a box that was meant to be locked. Sometimes, out of the blue, she could hear the murmurs from the man she once loved, and still did, telling her to go on. That was what kept her hopes up, even when the world seemed to crumble beneath her very feet.

On April 15, 1996, Rose couldn’t hang on anymore. She died, warm in her bed. Without any regrets, she went to a dimension where time and space were fluid. She landed in the part of the dimension where it was all brownish, like the fog in London. Everything was in that color. She was on a gravel walkway with pointy-roofed houses along both sides. Rose found herself back in her seventeen-year-old form, the way she had looked on the Titanic, and Jack was right next to her.

"So, you came," Jack said with a warm smile.

Rose couldn’t say anything, but stared at the man she thought she would never see, for infinity or longer. Tears started building up in the corners of her eyes. She almost thought it was an illusion. But from Jack’s eyes, she could tell it was real. Everything in front of her was real. They embraced. The warmth from Jack was the same. Everything was the way it was before, and the way it was supposed to be. She had been waiting for this reunited moment all of her life, and here it was. She couldn’t be any happier.

Without any words, they walked down the street and looked at the houses along both sides. Every house represented a glorious moment of their lives. They reflected about their past along the way. At the end of the street was a blue portal, into which they could enter. Jack offered his hand for Rose to hold onto, and they entered the portal with love surrounding them.

What they saw was astonishing. They saw the Titanic in its last moments before it sank, and it brought back too many painful memories. But suddenly, an invisible energy entered both of their bodies, tingling their senses. They felt carefree.

"Let’s go. We are suppose to go to the world above now," Jack said.

Rose followed, and at the end, they left Memory Lane. I can’t believe that I can actually connect with Jack! Maybe if you care and love someone a lot, nothing on earth, or beyond that, can keep you apart...Rose thought in her mind.

As they left, they both realized something they had never known before.

Love was supposed to be painful at a point, but after it was resolved, it would be as sweet as honey. Love was meant to be carefree.


The End.
