Written by Emma Wilson
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Kallie stood at the front of the giant ship and gazed in wonder. She smiled and picked up what very few bags she did have and walked to the third class entrance. While walking to her room, she was almost run over by two enthusiastic young men.

"People these days," she muttered to herself. She heard them yell again.

"Men," she muttered again. Finally, she reached her cabin, 36-D. She walked in, and saw she wasn't alone.

"Um...hi. I'm Kallie Peters." One man extended his hand to her. She gasped to see how gorgeous he was, but she also remembered that he and his friend had almost plowed her over.

"I'm Jack Dawson, and this is my pal, Fabrizio."

"Well, Kallie, it's nice to meet you," said Fabrizio, as he extended his hand to her.

"You, too." She smiled politely. Jack smirked at her.


"It's just…Kallie, you’re the only girl in here."

"So? I like being around such handsome men." She laughed as Jack and Fabrizio blushed.


That night, Kallie tossed and turned in her bed. Too many haunting memories were coming back to her.

"Mama! Papa! Don't leave me!"

"Kallie!" But their screams soon faded away into the lapping waters of the now calm ocean.

"Mama! Papa! No!" Kallie cried, because so suddenly she was left all alone.

She sat up with a start. Sweat was pouring off her face. She hadn't had a dream like that in a long time.

"Oh, why was this the only way home?" she asked as tears started to roll down her cheeks. Then, she covered her face in her hands and sobbed some more. She was crying so hard that she barely noticed Jack sit down on her bunk.

"Kallie, what's wrong?" he asked in a soft voice. She looked up, blinking the tears away from her eyes.


"Yeah, it's me..." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "What's wrong, Kallie?" She laid her head down on his shoulder.

"Oh, Jack! It's just being on this ship brings back so many bad memories. My parents died by drowning in a shipwreck. It took all of my courage to go on this ship, but I wanted to go home."

He placed his hand on her face and pushed her soft brown hair back. "I understand how you must feel. My parents died, too, only in a fire..." He lifted up her chin and wiped away her tears. "Things will get better. I promise." Kallie smiled at him. She didn't know why, but she believed him.

"Thank you, Jack," she said, as she hugged him tightly. She never wanted to let go. Neither did he. But soon the hug ended. Jack smiled at her once more, then went back to his bunk. Kallie smiled brightly as she lay back down and had a much better sleep.


The next morning, Kallie awoke in a much better mood since her talk with Jack. Kallie felt somewhat of a connection with him she had never felt toward anyone before. She was only eighteen, and had never really experienced true love before. But now, more than ever, she was feeling something toward Jack, and she didn't know what, but whatever it was she was feeling, she knew it had to be something good. Kallie was the second-to-last person to wake up. Fabrizio was first, then Hans, the other guy in the room, then her. Jack was still sleeping like a little baby.

Kallie smiled. "Look at him. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, like a little boy."

Kallie noticed he had a mischievous smile on his face, and she wondered what he was smiling about. But she shrugged her shoulders and went to get breakfast with Fabrizio. When they returned, Jack was still sound asleep.

"Jeez! That boy sure can sleep!"

"Tell me about it, Kallie! He usually sleeps until noon."

"But, Fabrizio, it's noon now."

"Then he should be waking up." And Fabrizio was right. They both saw Jack gradually get up out of his bed.

"Finally! Someone was a sleepy boy!"

"Shove it, Fabrizio," Jack said, groggily, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Pushy, pushy," Kallie said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going up on the deck."

"Hold on, Jack. You might want to put a shirt on." Kallie smiled at the fact. She liked seeing him without one on. Jack looked down.

"Oh, yeah, I got one." And he reached down and lazily put it on. He ran his fingers through his hair, grabbed a leather folder, and went to the deck. It took Kallie a little longer to get ready. She put on a long skirt and a sweater-like top. She didn’t bother to put her hair up, but let it hang free. When she got to the deck, she saw what was in Jack's leather book. He was an artist, and he was sketching a little girl and her father. Kallie walked over and peered over his shoulder.

"You are quite a good artist, Jack."

"Thanks, Kallie," he said as he admired his finished work. He handed it to the little girl and she smiled, then giggled at him. Jack smiled back and waved good-bye. He turned around and all his attention went to Kallie. She was standing by the railing, and her long brown hair was flowing in the wind as her long skirt blew up behind her. Kallie noticed Jack staring at her. She felt her heart skip a beat as his blue-green eyes looked straight through her.


"Hold that pose."


"You’re in a perfect pose for me to draw." She smiled, and let him draw her.

Jack thought to himself that he had never drawn such a beautiful girl in all of his life. Kallie smiled brightly as she watched Jack's hands draw her. He had such fine hands, and they were so safe and warm, too. She knew because she had been held by them last night. About twenty minutes later, Jack finished. Kallie walked over to him to see what he had created.

"Oh, Jack. I love it."

"I only drew what I saw, a wonderfully beautiful girl." Kallie's cheeks became bright red.

"You’re even cuter when you blush," he added, which made her blush even more. Jack took the picture back, dated it April 13, 1912, and signed it JD.

"Do you mind if I keep it?"

"No. Go ahead. I would like you to have it." Jack smiled and stuck it in his portfolio.

Later that night, Jack, Kallie, and Fabrizio went to a party in the third class lounge. Kallie sat down on a chair and watched Jack dance with that same little girl that he had drawn earlier. But then, she felt Jack grab her hand.

"Jack, what are you doing?"

"Come on, Kallie. Dance with me," he said, as he pulled her closer.

Kallie felt tingles go through all of her body as Jack put his hands on her waist. They laughed as they danced and enjoyed the party. After the dance, they decided to take a walk on the deck. The stars were shining brightly. It was a clear, cool night. Kallie and Jack were walking hand in hand until they reached the bow.

"I had fun, Jack."

"Me, too, Kallie. Me, too," he said, as he brought his lips to hers. She smiled and graciously accepted them. Slowly but cautiously, she put her arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his around her waist. She felt so safe, just being in his arms. Kallie wanted it to last forever. She always wanted to be by Jack's side. She never wanted to lose him.


Kallie's dreams never came true. They were cut short by a terrible disaster. The next day, the Titanic hit an iceberg. Many people lost their lives, including Jack and Kallie. If only the boats had come back sooner, they would have lived. But the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic claimed both of their lives. But the last words they ever whispered to each other were the three simplest words ever said.

"I love you."

The End.
