Written by rw4life
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Jack helped Rose onto the piece of wood. He tried to get on himself, but that caused the wood to flip. He swam to Rose’s side, shivering. As they held hands, Rose noticed Jack’s shivering growing. She nudged him gently.

"Jack?" she whispered. Jack looked into her eyes. "Join me?"

Jack shook his head; he knew the wood would tip over again if he tried.

"Jack, please. Just try again; we’ll be warmer together. Please?"

He looked into her pleading eyes and knew that he couldn’t refuse. He gently tried to come aboard the floating wood again. It teetered dangerously. He paused, but Rose gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. He lifted himself further. He did it. He lay down panting and shivering beside Rose. It wasn’t comfortable for either of them, but he felt the warmth slowly returning to his body. She had been right.

"I’m s-so cold," she whispered.

"W-we’re together now, keeping each other w-warm. They’ll be back soon. They--they just--just need to regroup. Th-that’s all."

"I love you, Jack."

"No...don’t say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it. We're going to get out of this...we're going to go on and die old, warm in our bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?"

"I can't feel my body."

"Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful. Never let go."

"I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."

They lay in silence.

"Come Josephine, in my flying machine, and it’s up she goes...up she goes…" Rose began singing softly.

Jack was slowly drifting off to sleep. He chuckled gently. He felt a peaceful feeling coming over him. He wouldn’t be cold anymore.

"Jack?" He snapped out of his stupor. He couldn’t leave her now. He had promised that they’d get through this together. "Jack? Sing with me?"

He began singing along, weakly at first. Both of them were slowly growing stronger as the time passed. Suddenly, they heard shouting in the distance.

"They’re back," he whispered, hardly believing it. "Rose!" She smiled at him as they both began singing, even louder this time. The boat made its way towards the singing, smiling couple. They were both pulled out of the water and wrapped in blankets, and they just continued to sing their song, holding hands.

Aboard the Carpathia, Jack and Rose sat in steerage, still holding hands. An officer came by to take their names. Jack answered.

"Jack Dawson and Rose De—"

"Dawson," she interrupted "Rose Dawson."

The officer walked away and the two sat looking at each other.

"I hope you don’t mind," Rose whispered, softly and shyly.

"Not at all," replied Jack with a huge smile etched on his face. "Mrs. Dawson."

The End.
