Written by Ashley Thorel
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Dear diary:

You have always been my companion, except for Jack, but my dreams will not come true and I shall never see him again. I wrote a poem and it was published in the newspaper. I will paste it in here.

When the Ship Fell

She looks at him he looks at her and don't know what they see
But in her heart she knows the truth 'He's the only one for me'
As night fell upon the ship there came a great disaster
But true love does not die, it just grows faster and faster
Although she let his hand go, he will be with her forever
She'll close her eyes and see his face and they will always be together.

Rose shut her diary and thought of what she just wrote. "Jack is the only one for me," she said, to no one in particular.


Jack walked down the streets of Philadelphia and thought about Rose. It was no new subject, he thought about her all the time. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in a window of on of the apartment buildings.

'Rose, it has to be!' he thought.

Rose looked out of the window of her apartment building, 'It was Jack! No, Jack's dead' she thought and she took her baby--Jack's baby--Emily Katherine and sat down in the rocker by the window.

"Hi, could you tell me if there is a Rose Dewitt Bukater in this apartment building?" Jack asked as he went in the building.

"Not a Rose Dewitt Bukater but a Rose Dawson, she's been hurt, her husband died on the Titanic, Jack Dawson was his name that's all she ever talks about," a young woman at the counter replied.

"Which room is she in?" Jack asked.

"Room number J14, upstairs it's the third door on your right, can't miss it," the woman replied.

"Thanks," Jack said as he literally flew up the stairs. When he got to her door, he knocked rapidly which made Emily cry. Jack couldn't take it, he just flung the door open and kissed Rose. Rose looked deep into Jack's eyes with a puzzled look, as did he.

"Is it..." he started, but Rose cut him off, "If she's not Cal's who's could she be?"

Seven Years Later

"Courtney, Emily, Alec, Josh dinner's ready!" Rose called out to her four children. Ever since the day Jack walked back into her life, it had been perfect. Her children were angels. Emily, now seven had grown Rose's curls but had Jack's blue eyes. Josh, Alec, and Courtney were six, triplets. Josh and Alec were not only identical to each other, but to Jack as well. Courtney was the twin Rose never had. Jack walked in the house and sat down at the table with his children. Rose was expecting yet another child, a girl who she was going to name Cecile Nicole Dawson.

When Rose sat down at the table, she looked at her family and thought back to her poem, "She'll close her eyes and see his face and they will always be together." Her dream did come true for now she had the family she always wanted. She and Jack did not belong together only on earth, but in Heaven too. Eternity had come. Eternity.
