Written by Jilly Bond
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Rose Dewitt Bukater looked up when she heard the call. She raised her head as a light shown on her face. "Jack?" she called. She nudged his hand.

Jack stirred. "What, Rose?" he asked, very softly.

"Oh, Jack there's a boat! Jack, we've got to get in it!"

Jack looked up as the flashlight moved onto his face. "You're right, Rose. Come on!" He dragged her off her door and into the water. "Come on, Rose. I need to start kicking!" Jack started to splash around and before long, Rose was doing it, too. The man in the boat turned around at the noise.

"Shine the light over here!" he shouted. The light went over Jack and Rose's frightened faces.

"This way!" the man yelled. "Don't worry out there! We're coming!" The boat came over to Jack and Rose. The man extended a hand to Rose. "Here you are, Miss." He pulled her up into the boat then reached for Jack. He heaved Jack into the boat and wrapped them both in blankets.

Rose snuggled up to Jack as she tried to warm herself. Before she knew it, Rose had dozed off, leaning up against Jack. He nudged her and she stirred.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"Come on, darling. We're here."


"The Carpathia," Jack said, as he boosted Rose up.

They rowed up to the ship, and as they pulled up beside it, a man extended his hand for Rose. "What class, Ma'am?" he asked. "May I take your name?" Rose looked back at Jack.

"We're both in first, and my name is Rose. Rose Dawson." The office nodded and escorted her to the side so he could pull Jack up.

"Your name, sir?"

Jack looked at Rose, embarrassed. "Jack. Jack Dawson." The officer looked down at Jack's clothes. He frowned.

"Ma'am, are you sure he is in first class?"

Rose coughed from the cold. "Yes, he is." She explained he had been a third class person, but they had gotten married, and to let him on. The man simply nodded. Jack walked over to Rose and hugged her, but that's when they caught a glimpse of Cal and Ruth. Ruth walked up to them.

"Rose! What are you doing?" Her voice was as if she had just been scared by the most horrid thing on earth. Cal looked just as horrified as Ruth sounded.

"Yes, Rose, what is going on here?" he asked sternly.

Rose looked from her mother, to Cal, to Jack, and then sighed. "As I told you before, Cal, I don't want to be your wife."

Ruth gasped, and Cal looked at Rose with a look that could kill. "What do you mean?"

Her mother started to speak. "I do not think so, Rose. You are engaged to Cal!" Rose took the ring off of her hand and threw it into the ocean. Cal stood there horrified, as Ruth continued to speak. "What have you done, young lady?" she asked. "And whom to you plan on marrying, then?"

"You should know that answer," Rose said calmly. She leaned in towards Jack. "I'm going to marry the man I love."

Ruth seemed as though she could boil over. Her face turned red, and she spat out the words, "Him? But he has no class at all. He could never support you like Cal could. You are marrying Cal, and that is all there is to it." She turned to Cal. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Mr. Hockley, but everything will work out in the end."

Rose glared at her mother. "Yes, it will. But not for Cal and me. It will work out wonderfully for Jack and me." And with that, Rose steered Jack away from Ruth and Cal. Cal lunged at Jack, attempting to pull him away from Rose, but his jacket got caught on a rail and he fell. Rose and Jack took off, leaving Ruth and Cal with stunned expressions on their faces.

Jack and Rose found a steward and told them they needed a room as soon as possible. The steward told them that all Carpathia's rooms were filled with Carpathian passengers, and they had to stay out here until they arrived in New York.

When the ship docked, Rose and Jack scurried away from the boat. They ran to the street and hailed a taxi. Rose reached into her pocket, looking for money. Instead, she found a silver hard metal thing. She pulled it out and gasped.

"Jack! It's...it's..." She pulled it close to her, and reached into another pocket. There she found money. She shoved some into the driver's hand. "Bank, please," she said. Jack looked questioningly at her.

"The bank?"

"Yes, dear. I need to get my money out of there before we are married." She smiled.

The End.
