Written by Amanda Brown
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Jack's eyes shot open as the cold water engulfed him. It was about ten seconds after Rose let go of his hand, and he couldn't feel his body. The water stung him. It felt--as he had told Rose that night--like one thousand knives stabbing him all over. He knew that, even though he so desperately wanted to make it to Rose, he couldn't. He had to try, though! His arms flailed, but he found his legs frozen together from the long amount of time he had kept them together for warmth. As Jack opened his eyes and looked around the black abyss that he so much wanted to get out of, he looked up and didn't see anything. He inwardly sighed. He was too far away from the surface. He couldn't swim back up now, not with his immobile legs and numb arms. The icy water chilled his bones, sending a shiver up his spine. He looked and saw something somewhat familiar. His blue eyes penetrated what had caused him this pain, this heartbreak. The Godforsaken iceberg. Jack wanted to punch it so badly, but suddenly, he felt extremely weak, frail. He felt as if he had suddenly turned one hundred, and was in the middle of a wrestling match. This didn't help Jack in his current situation, and he didn't like it at all. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, a good sign. The heartbeat was strong. Jack was very lucky. He knew how to hold his breath for a long time. It had been about thirty seconds, and Jack knew he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer. The prickling sensation along his whole body was almost unbearable, and he looked down at his hands, which were shaking violently. He smirked slightly. He still had the handcuffs around his wrists. He knew that they showed what he and Rose had been through, their love for each other. They were bittersweet symbols. Suddenly, fire sparked in Jack's chest, and he knew it wasn't long until the end. His chest burned, and his lungs expanded as they pleaded for air that he could not provide. A flame of pain darted down his legs and through his arms, his whole body now on fire. Jack knew he was moments away from his life ending, and he croaked out one last thing before letting the water enter his lungs and drown him.


The End.
