Written by Jessica Kemp
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Ever since that night, I have had dreams.
About me and Jack.
A different world.
A world full of what ifs.
What if Jack hadn’t died?
What if the Titanic hadn’t sank?
What if I had died?
What if?
What if?
What if?
I'm tired off all those dreams that never will exist.
I'm tired of thinking that we could have been.
We would have been torn apart by our families.
I don't know what to say.
I miss him terribly.
I know we should have been.
Sometimes, I wish I were dead.
I know soon I will be.
In my dreams, I am walking on the Titanic, up the stairs and to Jack.
I am still young, and so is he.
Everyone is alive.
Safe and all right.
But that is just a dream.
Just a dream, but a good dream nonetheless.
Sometimes, they are so good I never want to wake up.
I want to stay there, safe forever.
But that is a made-up world.
A world with Jack.
A world that was never meant to be.
