Written by Jaimie
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

A life so changed? No, I don’t think that’s the appropriate title. More so, a life so different. How often is it said that one loses their one love in such a short while? How often can one receive such bad luck? Hardly luck. Luck cannot be the word for something so evil, even when it is bad luck. Perhaps meaning? Perhaps reason behind changes? And we say change is good. Good for whom? Good for God to hold earth’s angel apart from me?

So close, yet so distant. Standing beside me, really. And as I watch over you, I realize my wishes directed towards you have been fulfilled. And when I go to remove the hair covering my eyes from your beauty, I realize tears have begun to slide down my face. These are my tears of joy. Yet they rain a parade on your happiness and hold you back from fully loving another. And I can’t apologize enough times to make up for this.

Perhaps my greed has taken me over. Others have suffering equal to my own, possibly greater. But I cannot help but feel our love outstood the rest. There are people above you who love you. Please come home. Please come home to me.

The End.
