Written by Never Forget You
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

The sea is restless this night, the indescribable color of endless tears.

Crying, singing, calling each of us by name–

And we have answered. The sea is all that remains, bearing the echoes of our voices on the waves, the memories of the lost in the depths. This same sea, we once thought, would carry us to our dreams...dreams that were never fulfilled. on nights like this, still and calm, when the sky and the water are indistinguishable, and the only sound is the moaning of the surf–

We remember our lives.

We remember our loved ones, waving, weeping, wishing us a safe journey–left on the shore as our Ship of Dreams steamed out to sea.

We remember the hope, the excitement, the sheer exultation of our last days–the chance of a thousand lifetimes was laid before us.

We remember the fear, the loss, the pain of death in our final hours–held back, left behind, turned away, frantic to survive...

Then water. Cold, black water.

But our memories of the end are distant, past; the night is meant for love, not hate. We must keep hoping, and waiting for morning, when the ones we long for will join us.

And the sea will be all that remains.

The End.
