"I'm not here for your amusement, you're here for mine."
-John Lydon

Writings, Essays, Whatever.
Stupid People. Click to be amused.
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Mia says Marymount claims to not push their religion on their students and yet we have a religion textbook called Morality: An Introduction to Christian Living and we are assigned a day to say a PRAYER in front of the class and we have to do this whole big shit presentation along with it. She says "Fuck the religious bull shit and fuck the standard made by the people who surround us." I couldn't agree more.

Mia and I just started school today which was not-so-fun, but we have the most definitely AWESOME Algebra II teacher who is like a big teddy bear and we all love him. Yes, oh yes, it's back to the old routine again (which in some cases is good, but in a lot of cases is quite bad). Yeah, I enjoy learning and I think I learned a lot last year, especially in English and most importantly in history, but it's just the most unbearable environment I have ever been in this year, especially because I don't have any classes with the majority of my friends or people that I like talking to ETC. ETC. I know I should just suck it up and bear with everything and try to get the most out of the situation as I possibly can (which I WILL try very hard to do no matter what) but I think that Mia and I are onto something really cool (with our web site, and also our music even though we haven't really gotten very organized yet), and I want to have time to do all of that, as well as go to really cool shows (because we want to see Duane again!!!) and also get the courage to actually TALK to people that come across to us as interesting (i.e. the dorky skin) and meet some super-cool people.

At school we are all girls, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but not necessarily a good thing either. I have come to the conclusion that the majority of the people at my school don't really have a clue, but that's okay to not have a clue because maybe having a clue isn't exactly what their interested in. I just wish I could get the courage to speak my mind more in classes such as English, History, and ESPECIALLY theology, and I wish that I didn't feel so confined by all of my classes, but I definitely should NOT be complaining.

Mia and I are attempting to start a band, but we need more members. If you play anything and live in the Los Angeles area, please, click my email and send me a message. We are trying to do something not so different, but not so…cliché. And we definitely need to get something started really soon because I feel that in a couple of years, it will be the most perfect time to break into the music scene and um, rip it apart. THE REVOLUTION IS COMING.

We also may be looking for super-cool editors who are really smart (not that we're bragging about ourselves), and who loves to write about controversial issues and ideas, or anything really. Please email me for more information. And also, don't forget to sign the guestbook!

So, now it's off to school again, woohoo. Pray for a fire drill and do a rain dance and never forget, DEATH IS BUT THE NEXT GREAT ADVENTURE TO THE WELL-ORGANIZED MIND.


If the dorky skin were a song, this would be it…
