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Welcome to the AcerZ Home World

Welcome To The AcerZ Homeworld, My Nickname Is Ace, just if you wanted to know. This Site is mainly just to come and see what's new and stuff. A few jokes, a chat to bring in a friend, or whatever. I'v been using HTML code for a while, but, I'll be using a program in a little bit, I hope. There wont be any big changes exept where things will be placed and all. But Whatever. Just come here and have fun. I'v been working on my site for a while actually, first 2 weeks i have been updating extremely, but now there is no point. I am going to get something better then using HTML code soo i should update...cuz there is no point! So Anyway, thanks for coming, sign the guest book. And have FUN

UPDATED-December 24 1999-UPDATED
Guest Book
Chat Room
Guest Book Respones
Mini Quiz

In The NewsIm making a huge update to this page so wait....

Joke Of The Month ---There were these to men walking along the street..They were near there house when they see a big brown blob..Not knowing what it is the first man picked it up..looked at it strangely...smelt it and said "Yup...This smells like crap." After looking at it he gives it to the other person...After looking at it he takes a big bite *CHOMP* and then says " surely does taste like crap. And then gives it to the other...The other says "Yeh, good thing we didnt step on it." And then he drops it on the floor and they walk away.

Whats Been Updated Or made?!-I had to take off the Backround music cuz it took forever to load, if ya want it to be back up, tell me in guest book, but if you still wanna here it go HERE Anyway I am putting in some cool pictures to go along with the website, please dont take them ^_^. And Umm, for the updating, im not updating the OTM because I am lazy, but i am updating how the page looks and all that..Just waiting for something! (Ooo)

Wierd Word Of The Month----The Wierd word of the month is....Abatoir-pronounced ab-et-war-(noun)-Came from the French word Abatre in 1820! Heehee And other cool words...sign em in the guest book!

Wierd Fact Of The Month--Did you know that the average person eats about 70 spiders a year!!! Can you beleive that...And more wierd..Most people dont even know! I wonder how they knew that..! Anyway...If you have any good facts...Sign em' in the guest book!


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